Friday, March 16, 2018

Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe fired just days before he was to retire with his pension intact. Update!

Courtesy of thew New York Times:

Andrew G. McCabe, the former F.B.I. deputy director and a frequent target of President Trump’s scorn, was fired Friday after the Attorney General Jeff Sessions rejected an appeal that would have let him retire this weekend. 

Mr. McCabe promptly declared that his firing, and Mr. Trump’s persistent needling, were intended to undermine the special counsel’s investigation in which he is a potential witness. 

Mr. McCabe is accused in a yet-to-be-released internal report of failing to be forthcoming about a conversation he authorized between F.B.I. officials and a journalist. 

In a statement released late Friday, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. McCabe had shown a lack of candor under oath on multiple occasions. 

“The F.B.I. expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability,” he said. “I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately.”

McCabe however disputes that explanation:
McCabe was even more blunt in another interview: 

“The idea that I was dishonest is just wrong,” he said, adding, “This is part of an effort to discredit me as a witness.”

It should be pointed out that a Fox News draft of their article on this firing was leaked on Twitter hours before anybody else knew it was happening.
So clearly Trump's favorite "news" outlet was given a heads up well before the rest of the media was informed about this unprecedented decision.

By the way we should also remember that Trump has been trolling McCabe about this possibility for months now.

This is how the president of the United States treats a man who gave over 20 years in service to his country.

Update: Check this shit out.
God he's a prick!


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Trump is a thug.

    1. Anonymous5:26 AM

      He's just continuing in his default position in life, in business, in his campaign and now his "presidency" -- revenge & vengeance against anyone who thwarts him in any way. A big bully baby. Pathetic that 1/2 of America is, too, to vote for such a creep & psychopath.

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Yeah. Donny Brook. Not impressed. Knock it off.

  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    The Republican Party have allowed our country to fall into complete chaos and murder. The Republican party have had the ability to stop the crimes committed by dangerous lying criminals in the White House. They have now sunk to the historic low and have broke all laws of our land and shamed our constitution. May they forever be held accountable for their crime against America.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM


      "chaos and murder."?


    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Uh yeah - Parkland. 17 dead. Many kids - that ring a bell, or would you like to lol at that too, you piece of shit at 7:49?

    3. Anonymous10:28 PM

      7:49 Stupid Girl

    4. Anonymous11:30 PM

      7:49 has no empathy for those kids.A real garbage,bottom of the barrel piece of shit.

    5. Anonymous8:02 AM

      7:49 Sociopath. They only know where they have been.

    6. Anonymous10:40 AM

      If you want chaos and murder, maybe some of you libs should go and live in socialized Venezuela, or Cuba, or try Africa... see how long you last.

      Either way, if Trump is responsible for any mass-shootings during his presidency, then Obama was responsible for all the mass shootings that occurred during his? Are we going for an end of term headcount?

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law by henry david Thoreau.

  4. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Just watched Bill Maher. Pete Dominick brought up McCabe pre-firing (when is this taped?) and it was news to Maher. I guess that's why you have writers and Facebook flunkies. FAIL.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Dominick's take down of Billy Bush's "grab 'em by the pussy" response was spot on, and this is what our media has become.

    2. Dinty7:37 PM

      They tape 6:00 pm PST on Friday. While Fox had published something it’s likely he hadn’t seen it prior to taping.

    3. This is why Trump dumps his shit on Friday.

      But it won’t save him.

      SNL will do something tomorrow night. They are up late tonight writing something. John Oliver will vivisect Sessions and Trump over it on Sunday.

      Then one Monday all of the late night comedians will start putting Trump and Sessions through the meat grinder.

      Jeff Flake was right. His party does not deserve to govern.

    4. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Love your choice of words: vivisect!
      That's what one does to shitgibbons.
      Brought me back to my days driving near Penn and the Anti-vivisection billboards by the Vet school!

  5. Anonymous7:10 PM

    The time is long past to remove Trump
    from office.

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Republicans who have control own this.
      Going down in histroy as fiddling while the US is destroyed.
      Anyone else feel we are being set up for a really big bad thing soon?

  6. Anonymous7:11 PM

    This firing itself is further proof of more obstruction of justice. McCabe isn't going to take this lying down either.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      There is likely a lot of dirt McCabe has swept under the rug he doesn't want to surface. He won't push too hard.

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Piece of shit is back at 7:48. Kindly flush yourself with the other turds.

    3. He's not. He's speaking out.

    4. Anonymous11:28 PM

      7:48,you are the dirt under everyone's rug.A real piece of shit.

    5. Anonymous8:04 AM

      7:48 you mean like $arah did?

  7. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I think Trump is also sending other people a message that he will destroy you, inflict significant financial harm if they are not “loyal” to him.

    Meanwhile, Trump exposes (pun intended) himself by taking his case with the porn star to Federal Court.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      It's not even unveiled anymore.

    2. The more people stand up to him, the more that strategy is going to fail.

      It won't work with Stormy Daniels and other victims are looking at suing Trump.

      It isn't working with McCabe who is speaking up and fighting back. Look for a book to go with James Comey's.

      Trump has overreached and is fucking with the wrong people.

      He's fighting on too many fronts.

    3. Anonymous5:32 AM

      He's fighting on too many fronts -- I see him as Gulliver on the beach tied down with thin threads, hundreds of them, each one not enough, but in concert...trapped. All the thrashing, squirming Trump is doing with each passing day... suspect he will get loose, tho, just like Gulliver did...

      I expect Mueller to be fired any day now.

  8. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Trumplethinskin is a vindictive, acrimonious, petty, reactionary, puerile, rancorous, spiteful, grudge-holding, malignant, immature, mean-girl of an illegitimate 'president'.

    Please feel free to add any adjectives that you feel I've missed.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      You pretty much covered the racist ,scum sucker!!
      May he get all that he has earned!
      FU trump

    2. Don’t forget misogynist and bigot.

      But most of all LIAR.

    3. Anonymous6:14 AM

      impaired, narcissistic, mentally ill, physically ill, mentally disabled, cuckoo,

  9. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Will somebody PLEASE shove some Karma up Trump's ass?

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Let's not be a christian in erroneously understanding karma. Its not "reconciled" in a single incarnation !

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Let's start with the list of maladies we'd liek him to experience - how about kidney stones?

    3. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Speaking of things shoved up Trump's ass I find comedy and comfort in the fact that Stormi Daniels put a lot of things up dirty Don's ass, big things, painful things :-)

    4. Anonymous2:01 AM

      Trump only likes Russians up his ass.

  10. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Voices of reason (at least relatively speaking) are being systematically removed from this White House as the Russia investigation deepens and the threat of a military confrontation with North Korea (or even Iran) continues.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Yes. We are being set up for something very very bad. Drumpf is too fucking sick, impaired, crazy to see it ...right under his nose.

  11. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Our President is a fucking maniac.

    Trump has been trying to discredit McCabe and the FBI for months now. Trump must be very afraid of what will eventually come out. Hopefully, McCabe will have some type of appeal process.


  12. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Be aware - this may well be the prelude to taking away our Social Security and Medicare. The GOP have no thread of decency, honesty or fairness in any of their heads or hearts.

    The jackass in the Oval Office has taunted the loss of McCabe's retirement over McCabe's head for months. 26 hours before it kicks in Drumpf has Sessions fire him to prevent the retirement being issued.

    There is no penalty great enough to slam Trump with for all the poison he has injected our country with in the short time (seems like decades) he has been destroying who we used to be.

    No worries - with Haspel, Bolton and Pompeo coming on board we will likely be blown to kingdom come with the nuclear war and torture they will bring to the US.

    I knew the GOP was headed for their demise at least five years ago - I did not know they would also destroy our entire country and likely the world too.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Brig on the Rapture...or whatever it is they want.
      Ya know, I'm almost 55. I don't care anymore. I am awake and didn't build this. I am viewed as an alarmist to most of my family and the shock for them will be much greater. However, not really the schadenfreude I was hoping for.

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      ^ ok Sarah, time for meds.

  13. Anonymous7:40 PM


  14. Anonymous7:46 PM


    He is a liar. Should have been terminated long ago.

    1. I see the trolls have arrived.

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      He misled, as a top dog in an organization that touts integrity and honesty above all. Gimme a break.

      The FBI disciplinary office recommended his firing.

    3. 7:46 PM posted at 2:46 AM St. Petersburg, Russia, time.

      I see you drew the graveyard shift this week, Comrade Dumshitski.

    4. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Piece of shit at 7:46 - Flush!

    5. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Go upchuck some graves Ruskie

  15. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Putin poisons people, Trump fires people hours before they are eligible to retire. How soon do you think that Trump will also resort to poison.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Trump is a thug who learned al of his dirty tricks at the feet of the mafioso. He's done much worse than poison his enemies.

  16. Anonymous7:58 PM

    McCabe will win on appeal and have a great book deal. However, Trump has shown just how depraved he really is. Trump has also really fucked himself over this time.

    1. You might think people wouldn’t care much but this will resonate. Lamb won Pennsylvania because of the Republicans deplorable treatment of unions. Some lifelong Republican union members said they voted for Lamb for that single reason.

      Union members and plenty of other workers will take umbrage to McCabe being fired 26 hours before he is eligible for his pension. Some have had it happen to them or know someone who was fired specifically so they couldn’t get the pension they worked their lives for.

      They will NOT give the Republicans a pass on this.

      Ryan thinks his tax break will win votes in November. It will do the exact opposite. And if *I* were a Democrat running in November, I would rub McCabe’s firing in the face of the Republicans every chance I got. Tie it to the working class stiff who works a lifetime only to have his pension, social security, medicare, etc. taken away from him by the Republicans. Worse still, that he’ll never be able to retire because of the “tax cuts” that only the wealthy are going to enjoy. In a few years more and more people are going to see their dreams of retirement gone because of the Republicans.

      This is going to be a big compaign issue.

    2. Anonymous1:56 AM

      I have warned Trump supporters of his plan to get rid of Social Security if he gets a second term. Not one has believed me. They say, “Oh, he’s just saying that.” They don’t think he’s serious.

      I point out that Trump has promised this several times, and when he says he is going to do something like this, he does try.

      He attempted to get rid of Obamacare, and his supporters had no problem with it, but when their health care costs go up, they won’t blame him. His supporters didn’t believe he’d deport the “good” immigrants who have been here for years and held stable jobs, but he did.

      He bought them off with a small tax cut that will expire in a few years, but rewarded corporations with huge tax cuts that will stay long after our pittance has expired.

      He’ll go after unions. he’ll go after social security, he’s going after public education. He destroyed net neutrality. He can’t control himself in public. He praises dictators. He has even suggested the death penalty for opioid dealers and harsher penalties for opioid users, who are disproportionately white.

      And now, after taunting and threatening McCabe, a man with a long successful career, he has fired him and taken away his pension. He did this simply to punish MCabe, because he could. He is petty, vindictive, and a downright immoral piece of shit who cares only for himself.

      I don’t know how much more it will take for his supporters to see him as the monster that he is.

    3. Anonymous4:34 AM

      I hope you are right, miaiuppa. If this outrageous act is forgotten that would be a grave injustice to McCabe.

    4. 1:56 - It's not just Trump. Paul Ryan wants to take away their Social Security and Medicare too. And he did get that "Tax Cut" passed.

      4:34 - It will be up to the Democratic Party to make sure that none of this is forgotten and to hammer it home at every opportunity on the campaign trail. The question is, is there any Democrat that will actually do that? See Bill Maher's take down last night. I'm with him.

  17. Trump is a petty, little man. I cannot wait until he in locked up in prison with no access to Twitter for the rest of his pathetic life.

  18. Maybe . . . just maybe . . . McCabe is an attorney, well-known among the DC law firms. I'll bet that by the end of next week, one of the big DC firms will hire him, make him a partner with a base of around $2 million per year.

    Then -- one day -- McCabe will represent a client who will clean out Trump's bank account.

    For his entire career, Trump has fucked over people who can't fight back. In the words of Lone Waite from "The Outlaw Josey Wales:" "Hell is coming to breakfast."

    1. And that is Trump's problem. He's now trying to fuck over people that can and will fight back. Stormy Daniels is going to open the door to other women suing Trump.

      McCabe has already made a quite damning statement against Session/DOJ and Trump. He will not be silenced just like he couldn't be bought off.

      Trump doesn't know how to deal with integrity because he has none and cannot grasp his tiny immature pea brain around the concept.

      Trump is living a nightmare. He's already fighting a war on multiple fronts and losing. All he needs to complete his destruction is a land war in Asia.

  19. He’ll sue and he’ll win.

    Just another piece of fodder for Mueller.

    Trump is such an idiot. I thought Sessions wasn’t that stupid.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Sessions did it to save his own job, obviously, or is his family being threatened...?

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Nah Sessions is a natural born piece of shit

  20. Anonymous8:49 PM

    What a fuckign sadistic asshat T.Rump is. Stupid too. This will lose him the vote of just about every worker whose ever been screwed out of a pension - and those lost stellworker/auto maker /coal miner guys all recognize this stichk. Really dumb move.

    1. Anonymous5:39 AM

      ...really dumb move...again, I think he's trying to be removed from a job he doesn't understand, but he's testing its limits and his base's loyalty which is all that matters to him. Getting the love he never got from his parents.

    2. Plenty of them voted for Charles Lamb already. This will just piss off the rest. Add that obscene "tax cut" that will only increase their taxes and the Republicans are toast. Not even their gerrymandering and voter suppression will save them now.

  21. Anonymous8:57 PM

    That's bullying.

    Thankfully, Melania's anti-bullying stance will take care of it.

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      What a freaking joke she is.

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      A joke? The first highend escort and arranged visa carrying the anchor child of putin will attack the usa highend adult film star exposing her lousy actor fake husband for what he is. A pos sob low life bottom feeder of the swamp that hates americans. Our enemy occupies our whitehouse waiting to be arrested along with the highend escort by his side.

  22. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Wonder if Wray will quit, now?

  23. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I am so sick of that petty thing in the White House. He's revolting.

  24. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Trump has been threatening this for months.He wanted McCabe to come crawling to him and beg him not to fire him before his retirement date.

  25. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I'm surprised t could spell sanctimonious.

  26. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Any reporting on Sarees screech last night at the fundraiser in Maralardo?

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Hope they tossed her to the gators. Naw, they don't want her either. Stinkage.

  27. Anonymous6:27 AM

    20 years of FBI service and this is how he’s treated. The day before he qualifies for a pension. A shameful day for the country.
    Trump will fire Mueller. Watch.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      The few decent republicans will join the democratic party and order the removal of Donald John Trump and charge him with treason.

  28. Anonymous8:11 AM

    The United Nations will charge putin and trump with war crimes.

  29. Anonymous10:44 AM

    " Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy."
    'DOG he's a tinyPRICK!'


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.