Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wonkette has another Sarah Palin video for you. I think you will find this one familiar.

Now some of you have already see this because I linked to it on Friday, and of course we have already spent some time mocking it.

However when it comes to mocking Wonkette certainly sets the standard: 

On this week’s installment of The Sarah Palin Fartknocker Report, presented by Fartknocker, Governor Quitterpants looks right into the camera and argues with herself for six minutes. Democracy is good, Palin says, and since the Republicans won in 2014, the will of the voters must be respected. In 2012, however, when Barack Obama became the first president since Eisenhower to win at least 50% of the national vote in successive elections — well, that didn’t count. Not in the same way, anyhow. The voters did not vote to make Barack Obama king in 2012; instead, they voted to make Republicans king in 2014. 

"He’s rejecting our democratic system, he’s turnin’ it into the Democrat system, big D, Democrat system. Failed policies. And he’s placing our nation in grave danger. 

In 2012, voters reelected President Obama, but they did not make him king. Yeah, they reelected President Obama, and I say quite often in some speeches that I give that, oh, ‘The era of Obama is almost over,’ got two more years, right, soon? It’ll be over. And we’ll survive this president — the question is, Can we survive the people who voted for him twice?"

Unlike us the Fartknocker Report did not focus so much on the fact that Palin suggested that Americans who voted for the President were something the country needed to survive, and instead focused on the fact that Palin did not choose to hide this video behind a paywall, like many of her most frequent helpings of batshit crazy word salad:  

People might think that Palin’s just trying to get her message out to as many people as possible, that personal profit doesn’t matter to her, but those people make us laugh and laugh and laugh, oh how they make us laugh. This self-inflicted breach of the mighty Palin paywall coincides with the Sarah Palin Channel offering a new, cleaner layout. Some of our very most favorite features, like the vocabulary building Word of the Day, are now buried at the bottom of the page (Today’s word is “edify: (v.) to instruct or benefit, (v.) particularly in relation to intellectual or spiritual matters; to uplift.”). 

New look, new freemium approach to content? She’s gotta be losing subscribers…right? Please, please let her be losing subscribers, so this can end. 

I completely agree with Wonkette that putting this video on Facebook rather than the Sarah Palin Channel, does indeed seem to indicate that she knows full well that hardly anybody will see it, or comment on it, while it is tucked behind the SPC paywall. And that means she is undoubtedly losing subscribers which is really saying something since as far as we can tell there were not that many in the first place.

And not to pat myself on the back with too much gusto, but I did kind of predict this all along: 

Will it actually be successful however? I seriously doubt it.

Of course you don't exactly need to be Nostradamus to call this one.

That is why Palin has now gone from this.

To this.

I recently heard from our old friend Mercede Johnston who wanted to know id she was just seeing a bad picture, or if Sarah Palin's looks had actually faded that badly.

I think you know how I answered her.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Spell-check please! And she said "error" instead of era, on purpose!

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Just another one of her asinine "cutesy" phrases -"error". She's ridiculous. So immature. I can't imagine President Obama acting like she does--and he wouldn't. She is so "beneath him." I don't know why she bothers to talk. She should just say "Obama" & stick her tongue out. Same thing, less work.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      She is the queen of irony because she used to complain back when we were throwing all those ethics complaints against her that WE were immature, she used it all the time and really, she is the one that remains immature to this day. So hilarious and so funny that she blamed us Progressive Alaskans for running her out of office when really she was gonna get busted for perjury for Troopergate and had to run away with her tail between her legs. She's such a child and such a brain fail. It's been fun watching her god ignore her and let her spiral into defeat and irrelevance.

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    ears. bleeding eyes. stinging. brain. melting. make. it. stop.

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Narcissistic hell. How can anyone listen to this crap and not see what she truly is?

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    She thinks the little girl 'squirmish' she does in that GIF is cute.
    Some folks claim she is at a middle school mean girl level. I think she is closer to the terrible twos.

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    How is Mercedes doing, Gryphen? I miss her blog. I wish we heard from her more often.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Yes, I also enjoyed her blog.

    2. I actually rarely hear from Sadie these days.

      But I am Facebook friends with her and she seems to be doing well.

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      You miss a blog famous for lying? According to her former BEST friend.

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      4:15 PM You are a LIAR and a Stalker.

    5. Anonymous8:00 PM

      No, I was talking about Sadie not Bitchtol.

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    She's never going to get over losing to Obama, is she? Wonder if he still remembers who she is, he's met so many fascinating people these past six years.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      He lives in a completely different world. She is still in a crib.

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Palin no longer warrants our time! Fewer and fewer are responding when it concerns her!

    We all know she is retarded, an idiot, a horrid wife and mother, has had affairs, is racists even though she slept with a black basketball player (Great Alaska Shootout in Anchorage years ago), poorly educated IF she went to college at all (no one remembers her in their classes and her supposed journalism degree has never been provided even though requested numerous times!) and evil through and through.

    Write her off folks! That is the most harmful thing we could all do to her. Ignore the idiot! She's a waste of time! There are so many things in our world that have importance and Sarah Palin and her klan are NOT among them!

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      What! And end the greatest soap opera ever? As long as she's completely harmless I just can't look away. I still have dreams of her and Turd forced to spend life sentences TOGETHER, as in the same cell, in the
      nastiest federal prison. I want to watch her pay for all the damage she has done to so many unsuspecting people. Her hatred has no bounds and I look forward to her eventual demise.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Hey, this is the face of the Republican Party, a creature of their own making. It's the least we can do to pay attention, and do what we can to make sure everybody else does, too.

  8. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I had to check out the new format for the SPC. Question: why is Sarah using stock photos from 2008 instead of more recent stock photos showing off all her new pairs of glasses? How are words of the day chosen? In order to learn and retain new vocabulary, words should be used in a sentence and then used often.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Another question to ask is why Sarah is only speaking to her faithful subscribers? If she really was going to run for president, or if she really wanted to contribute to the political conversation, the idea is to reach the most people, not just the select few. It's Todd Palin's slogan, "What's in it for us?" Or to put it another way, "Why are you spending all that time writing a facebook post that anyone can read for free? Then the media will attack you again, and you will be upset. Let your fans pay to tell you how wonderful you are and that will keep our bank account filled, you betcha.'

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      I love how people here can't help but put things in different contexts and write their own fiction

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      4:15 is that you, just no, justtine, jessie, manlover4ever, quartz, queenie, and several other foolish fake names?

    4. Anonymous7:50 AM


  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Why did Sarah Palin wear a Jewish star in that video? She is not Jewish, and it is insulting to people who are Jewish.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      I'm not Jewish, but know many people who are, and who don't walk around with Stars of David bling. It's as offensive as if a Saudi Arabian prince walked around with a big shiny cross on his chest, or if the Dalai Lama wore an Islamic crescent.
      These symbols are reserved for those whose beliefs they represent -- they're not like wearing the favorite jersey colors of your football team. Truly sacrilegious.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I'm positive that she wears the Jewish cross because she knows that it irritates a handful of "haters" and that makes her fucking useless day. She is the dumbest most petty person ever.

    3. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Some crazy christian preacher dude told her she was "Esther" from their bible and that's why she wears the star. Apparently Esther has significance in their religion regarding saving jews or something. She bought into it, lock, stock and barrel, just like she believes all the fairy tales. She's dumb, brainwashed and indoctrinated and pretty much believes anything that these crazy christian people tell her.

  10. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Sarah Palin is the world's first recorded victim of Angry Cow Disease.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Are you talking about yourself again? Sarah is far from angry though you dont know her.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      She's going to get even angrier once she is presented with a few more examples of her prayers not being answered. Right now her narcissism and faith are allowing her to still believe she is right and everyone else is wrong, but it won't be long until the cart of her crazy belief tips against her favor and she begins to question whether or not her made up god is really her friend. She's too stupid to move beyond her christian brainwashing so I assume we're going to get to see a pretty spectacular denouement. I for one can't wait.

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      No, 4:15 pm YOU don't know her. You are a crazed Stalker. How is that Restraining holding up?

  11. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I'll tell you about respecting the will of the people, democracy and all that kind of stuff. In the last election, more people cast ballots for Democrats than Republicans. The reason that so many Republicans won is because they run in gerrymandered districts where the majority of people are Republicans. One example-- Austin, Texas, which is a blue blue city is a red red state. But when they redistricted Texas, they cut Austin up into five districts, each including a large rural section of Republican voters. No Democratic votes for you, Austin. The truth is that there are more people who do vote for Democrats. George W. Bush did not win the popular vote. Sarah did not win the popular vote. Sarah didn't even come close.

  12. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Enough already, $arah. Some of us have compassion and don't want to see you disintegrate minute by minute. Please, could you speed it up? A before and final shot will be fine; no need for the interim disintegration. You couldn't be any more gross, if you "treated" us to a time lapse documentary of your hair loss.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      More Adderall, less eating. I think I'll pray on it, just like she and her people do. If she dies from hunger and anorexia then I'll believe in god....oh shit, I take that back because her path seems predestined by her bad habits so I'll just wait. You can't live like she looks for very long, that disgusting harridan will be lucky to see 55.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Aren't we showing our crassness Anon 2:56? it's not too late to begin living a good life you know? Even Bill Cosby deserves forgiveness and the chance at reform. Follow his lead Anon. Stop lying

    3. Anonymous5:09 PM

      4:14 PM You are the only LIAR here. Stop Trolling.

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    She is so offensive and so full of hate. She grits her teeth, then follows a grimace with a sing-song baby-talk voice. I can't imagine having to listen to her for more than the 2 minutes that is my limit. She must be like this during meals and holidays.

    If she was my relative, I'd rather watch paint dry than spend a Thanksgiving at the same table as her, listening to the hate oozing out of her pores.

  14. Anonymous1:30 PM

    She slipped. She actually respectfully and rightfully addressed him as "President Obama," many times, instead of her usual rude "Barack" or "Barack Hussein." She must have way too many words to remember to keep it all straight. Silly girl.

  15. Anonymous1:30 PM

    She slipped. She actually respectfully and rightfully addressed him as "President Obama," many times, instead of her usual rude "Barack" or "Barack Hussein." She must have way too many words to remember to keep it all straight. Silly girl.
    (Entering this one more time as I couldn't really read the numbers I had to type in.)

  16. Caroll Thompson1:42 PM

    Time for all of us IMer's to get inspired for 2016. We can continue on the course of changing these United States of America. That fundamental change that Sarah is always talking about in a negative way.

    I have linked to a song (below) by Chicago that came out in 1972. And it is as relevant today (maybe more so) as it was then. The name of the song is Dialogue part 1 and 2. The first part is an obviously aware person speaking (well singing) with one who is more apathetic. Part 2 is stating that we can change the world. And listening to the song, you believe you can. Yes we can........ We just have to get everyone who can vote to vote.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Meh, just be happy if you and yours are okay, if you have a solid job and a solid retirement and investments and can weather the next decade without worrying too much about what is going on in Washington. It is a time of upheaval and it won't end in 2016, not by a long shot, regardless of how proactive sane minded non christian progressives are. I'm holding on tight and am going to enjoy my life and try not to think to much about all the ugliness in our world. I'm happy I planned out the next 30 years regardless of the retarded behavior in washington.

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Anon at 2:69 pm. It's more than just "meh." Democrats have to get fired up and working hard now to return the Congress to some kind of sanity and to keep sanity in the White House. By that I mean electing another Democrat as president. God help this country and the rest of the world if the GOP controls all three branches of the federal government. Once January rolls around and the GOP-controlled Congress gets going things are not going to be pretty. So, fine, make sure your bottom line is in as good a shape as possible but life in a democracy demands a lot more of us. Of each of us.

    3. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Here's a tip. Maybe you all can stop lying

    4. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Sorry Beaglemom, I meant it when I said "meh" as in I have mine and I"m okay and I'm sick of fighting for change for people that don't even bother to vote and fighting against a machine that is bigger than we are. I have this one life, and believe me, I'm not spending it being part of this broken political system. I'm not alone, believe that, and a lot of us just want to spend the rest of our lives enjoying it and doing all the things we saved and slaved for instead of trying to fix something that is irreparably broken. I'm only 45 but I'm checking out of the process and getting on with life. I can't even find it in myself to help the needy any longer because they are part of the problem. Let someone else worry about it, I've put in my time and now it's all about ME :-)

    5. The only thing that's certain, "meh" is that the next 30 years won't go as you planned and you will at some point be depending on the kindness of others, whether it's because of disease or disaster or something else unpredictable and Incontrollable.

      There is no insulation.

      We are all in this together.

    6. Anonymous5:06 PM

      4:13 You are not qualified to give advice.

  17. Anonymous1:58 PM

    There are no words strong enough to express my utter hatred and disdain for this creature.

  18. Anonymous2:24 PM

    There's no reason to completely re-do sarahpalinchannel, other than that it's been a total failure so far. Perhaps some people addled in the head will think it's a shiny new toy and put down their money.

    I agree that we must all move on to 2016. It's crucial to keep tabs on Palin, and she's always good for a laugh, but she's dangerous. She can kick up a tiny minority of baggers whenever she winks, and they can make a lot of trouble for the rational, logical, serious and careful people who live in our democracy.

  19. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I hope, when 2016 rolls around, Dems win again. At that point, smug Palin, should get much of the blame with her endorsements. She might have helped Repubs in the short term, (or thinks she has) but she just might have helped enormously to destroy Repubs by 2016.

  20. Anonymous2:39 PM

    She and her delusional fellow christians want to kill people with their prayers. Of course she can't comprehend anyone that doesn't agree with her because her christianity gives her a pass to actually pray for people to get sick or die. I'm pretty certain that she and her "prayer warriors" are right now praying for all those that voted for Obama to be stricken with illness or outright killed in the name of their god, and of course, they'll find out that their prayers are nothing more than impotent utterances of nothingness. Although these christians are quick to jump on the bandwagon of being the cause of terrible things when it fits their agenda, more often than not the actual processes that make this world go around don't comply with their wasted prayers of hate, it is further confirmation that there is no god and I find it very interesting that they are so accommodating of a god that very rarely seems in their corner.

    She's sick, she's a sick and twisted woman who was brainwashed from a young age and doesn't roll like we sane minded people without religion do. Seems these days that her faith is being shaken though, because she's not getting her way. I can't wait for her to have the final breakdown because she feels that her god has abandoned her and her cause. Those are always fun to watch :-)

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Yet you're the one who stalks slander blogs and spreads lies? Who's twisted again?

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      @4:13 PM What does that even mean? The entire Palin KKKlan is twisted. From Pimping and Grifting to unwed teen moms with no purpose in life. Twisted is being called 'Cain't Get Right' in High School. Twisted is being a 'Colony Girls' Gang member. Twisted is inviting young men to date your daughters then telling the police that they are Stalking them. Twisted is appearing on DWTS while pregnant and wearing a Gorilla suit to hide it.
      Twisted is wearing inflatable breasts and teeny bopper clothing when you are 50 years old.

    3. Anonymous4:08 AM

      I do not for a moment believe this vile hate filled person is Christian. I read that during the McCain campaign, $carah gathered her family around her for prayers (with an audience of campaign workers, naturally) Willing looked disgusted and said "Why are you pretending to be something you are not?" Fortunately, she remembered not to use the F word as every other word as she does. That describes $carah pretending to be something she is not. Not a mother, not a Christian, not a politician, not a DECENT human being in any way, shape of form. Low class grifter all the way.

  21. Anonymous3:09 PM

    So the Sarah Palin Channel has done a "new and improved' . Isn't that admitting that the original product stank so to sell it you try to improve the packaging but in the end it;s just selling the same old boring shit?

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      The only place that showcases "same ol boring shit" and i would add lies to that are liberal blogs.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Ann Troll Grimes(probably not your name) Why do you Troll liberal blogs? Is the filth too deep over at C4P? Some of you Palinbots seem to enjoy spouting BS.

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Oh, Grimey Ann, you spend a lot of time here on these liberal blogs, I mean really, would the other church ladies be a little upset that you surf Wonkette and The Immoral Minority? You're a dirty, dirty liberal girl at heart and I just know it or you wouldn't be here. It's always nice to see a christian freak come over to the dark side, welcome Grimey Ann, welcome and may your soul burn in hell, because it will just because you visited these sites. Boogga Booga!

    4. Anonymous5:32 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, Big Fannie Annie Grimes hates liberal blogs, but is here anyhow. Is it a coincidence that Grimes arrived simultaneously with the resident Stalker Troll?

  22. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sarah pilon;poster child for the lame,lazy and yea, the repulsive.
    And tawd also. Thanks

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      How does that relate to Sarah?

      There isn't a mature soul in the world who thinks Wonkette and its editors are mature or decent human beings.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Is that you, Nancy French? It is not mature to portray
      a struggling single Mom who starts drunken brawls at parties. Do you approve of the language used by the Palins at the Brawl/hoedown?

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Awwwww....grimy Annie has a sadz.

    4. Anonymous7:53 AM

      The fairytale troll has pulled an old favorite out of her ass. Tell us, fairytale troll who ran home to mommy and daddy when she couldn't make it on her own all about what "mature" people are like.

    5. Anonymous11:02 AM

      The fairytale troll has no clue what maturity means.

  23. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Wonkette is a reason I lose faith in the future of humanity. It's shameful how people at those types of sites act.

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Shameful how people at these types of sites exercising their first amendment rights? like writing satire? like writing humor? I think that Fox is a reason to lose faith in the future of humanity. Fox is the example of brainwashing simple minded people who will believe it because it is on TV. 50% of what they broadcast are lies.

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      AWWW, Ann, you're breakin' my heart ;-)

      You obviously were born without the snark gene, and we who have it truly feel for you being denied the pleasure. Move along now, perhaps to Breitbart or Glenn Beck, they are certainly more up the alley of a church lady such as yourself!

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Poor grimy Annie. LOL

    4. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Annie, you mean Palin not wonkette. I agree. Palin is the lowest of the low who drips with hatefulness towards other human beings. She is a shameful liar & just can't get over being a loser & won't do anything to educate herself.

  24. Anonymous4:51 PM


    SarahPAC, Like Palin Herself, Light on Donations to Fellow Republicans

    Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC continued to perform underwhelmingly as a source of funds for other candidates in 2014′s third quarter, a report filed with the FEC this week showed. Out of $1.4 million the PAC had available in the third quarter — $978,000 sitting in the bank at the beginning of the July 1-Sept. 30 period, plus another more than $433,000 raised during that time — SarahPAC managed to donate just $45,000 to fellow Republicans running in the midterms. That’s a little more than 3 percent.

    For the two-year 2014 cycle, the former Alaska governor’s PAC, a vehicle that helps her stay in the game amid talk that she may run in the 2016 presidential contest, has raised $2.5 million on top of more than $1.1 million that was in the bank at the start of the cycle. It has spent $2.7 million, with about $150,000 — or 5.5 percent — going to candidates.

    blah blah blah

    What did SarahPAC spend most of its money on, then, in the third quarter? Many of the same consultants she has used all along — for speechwriting, fundraising, logistics and research. There’s even someone paid to consult on “coalitions.” Travel, presumably for Palin, is part of the equation; a PAC like this is useful for keeping a high profile nationally without having to pay those pesky airline and hotel tabs out of personal funds. And the PAC sent $10,885 to HarperCollins — publisher of all three of Palin’s books — for “books for donor fulfillment.” That wasn’t the only book purchase by the committee: A lump sum of $13,000 was listed as being spent for “lodging, SUV rental, books for donors.”

    blah blah blah

    But the PAC’s meager record on supporting other candidates may simply be a reflection of Palin’s own penchant for keeping her checkbook closed when it comes to political appeals. The former governor has made only two contributions at the federal level, both of them a decade ago and adding up to a grand total of $628.

  25. Anonymous5:00 PM


    "NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2014 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on October 25, 2014."

  26. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Grimes you don't have to read those blogs, but obviously you do. Trolling is an addiction that you can't seem to kick.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Trolling isn't an addiction if SaraPac pays you to do it.

  27. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Top Vendors/Recipients (top people or companies that received money from SarahPAC)

    Rank Vendor/Recipient Total Expenditures
    1 HSP Direct $861,645
    2 Crawford, Timothy $266,500
    3 Grey Strategies $189,500
    4 Northstar Strategies $175,097
    5 Aries Petra Consulting $136,000
    6 Davis, Andrew $125,750
    7 Lane, Marilyn $52,500
    8 Ryan, Carol $50,000
    9 Professionals Aviation $48,815
    10 Upstream Communications $48,306

    Who is Professionals Aviation? I believe they are new to SarahPac money recipient list?

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      7 Lane, Marilyn $52,500

      Is this Marilyn Lane, the same one from Wasilla?
      The same Marilyn who is friends with the Palin family?

      A former top official of the Alaska State Troopers reversed a finding in a 2005 investigation of the conduct of trooper Mike Wooten, the former brother-in-law of Gov. Sarah Palin, a step that's unprecedented, according to the head of the trooper's union.

      John Cyr, executive director of the Public Safety Employees Association, said former Alaska State Trooper Col. Julia Grimes punished Wooten, who has a rocky relationship with the Palin family, for drinking beer before and while operating a marked patrol car even though there was no "just cause" to do so.

      In her letter, Palin said Adrian and Marilyn Lane, who are friends of Palin's family and who lived in the same subdivision as Wooten, had seen him drink a beer at their house and then drive off in a patrol car "waving with beer in hand."

      In their interview with the investigator, Wall, the Lanes said they had seen Wooten come by their house and drink a beer before driving his patrol car during the summer of 2004.

      Marilyn Lane said she had seen Wooten drive off in his patrol car with another beer in hand.

      Wooten denied the Lanes' allegations, and Wall's investigation ruled that the claims made by the Lanes were unsubstantiated.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      This came from a commenter here two years ago regarding the Palin/Lane association. Looks to me like she's supporting a small village of friends and family with that PAC money. What a bunch of grifters!


      Ding, ding, ding!
      By 2004, while daughter Sarah was becoming a rising star in Alaska political circles, Chuck had retired from teaching and was employed as a government trapper and wildlife specialist. He even spent time trapping rats in New York after the 2001 World Trade Center attack. He also worked as a commercial fisherman, gold miner and big game outfitter.

      His SHS Hall of Fame biography states that three athletes he coached from 1963 – Larry Jacobson, Brian Timblin and Adrian Lane – had also moved to Alaska, becoming his hunting and fishing buddies.

      Lane is married to Marilyn Gray, daughter of former Sandpoint Mayor Floyd Gray. The Lanes, living in Alaska since 1984, have watched the Heath children grow up. Their children have babysat Sarah’s.

      “Adrian and Chuck are best friends. … They do everything together from hunting, fishing, trapping – you name it!” Marilyn Lane says. “We go to the movies, play cards and travel.”

      Marilyn and her sister Loralee Gray have also spent time at the governor’s mansion. In a recent Idaho Statesman article, Gray, now of Boise, described her “fly-on-the-wall” status last March. She created and installed a huge, birch wood map of Alaska in the governor’s office, while Palin conducted business.

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Here, I'm going to send you this link to Gryphen's old posting because there's lots of info about Marilyn Lane in the comments:

    4. Anonymous4:17 AM

      Upstream Communications should change the name to UP YOURS Communication, since that is what she does to donors with the "big middle finger"

  28. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I don't know what this book is about or the link they want you to go to, I don't go to links I'm not familiar with. Maybe Todd Palin should check on this link and report back to Immoral Minority?

    Glen Rice had a relationship with SarahPalin:Claims New Book! [JUICY !]

    Clint Graves3 years ago
    It is conceivable that a woman like Palin would get involved with a Black man. She has the fetish and the fever then acted upon it. The tea baggers can't believe it since Palin would be having a tryst with a Black male. It maybe the one of the only liberal things she had ever done.

    Bama47boi3 years ago
    Most black guys get theyre first piece of white ass in college. They're no different lots of kids getting they inter-racial fuck on right now !

    easyway20013 years ago
    I bet she took it doggy style!

    Jonathan Van Winkle2 years ago
    I bet she was wild with that NBA basketball player....and the noises she made?

  29. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Number 9 is new on the list. The others are the same ones living off of Sarah Palin and SarahPac.

  30. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hey. grimy Annie, get that lazy @ss grifter queen of yours off the drugs and make her run 2016. THEN you can spout, m'kay?

  31. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Sarah Palin can you tell us what Unclassifiable Consulting is? Who gets paid from Unclassifiable Consulting? I hope this isn't where friends and family gets paid from?

    Strategy & Research Campaign strategy & communications consulting $143,750

    Unclassifiable Unclassifiable consulting $404,000

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM


      Could they be part of Unclassifiable Consulting?

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Well, they might. They also are part of the NorthStar Strategies. (Isn't that actually one of either $arahs' or Bar$tools' LLCs?)

  32. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Number 8 from Anonymous5:36 PM
    Top Vendors/Recipients (top people or companies that received money from SarahPAC), is that Carol Ryan from Wasilla?

    Carol Ryan

  33. Anonymous7:07 PM

    SarahPAC money recipients:
    7 Lane, Marilyn $52,500
    8 Ryan, Carol $50,000

    If they are from Wasilla do you think one or both of these old gals could be Trig's baby sitter?

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      If they are they're doing a pretty shitty job.

  34. Anonymous7:28 PM

    A lot of millionaires don't cook. Who cooks for the Palin family? Could she or he be one of those unclasifiables?

    1. Anonymous2:26 AM

      The way Sarah looks, it's probably just Meth that's cooked in the Palin house. Todd does it for Sarah, most likely.

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Ha! As if Sarah Palin has every cared who cooks in her house. It's every man, woman, and child for him or herself.

    3. Anonymous11:21 AM

      @7:45 that's why Trig hasn't eaten one Cheerio. His life is sustained with baby food and apple sauce.

  35. Anonymous7:52 PM

    She has NO IDEA how childish and petulant she sounds. So bitter and jealous of the black man in the White House.

  36. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Sarah uses God as a *tool to grift $$ its not nice to piss off the Big guy. as was said-" why pretend to be something you're not?". because the suckers send $$$$!!! tundra turd is transparent as day is long. llife works in a circle. your past will catch up with you.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.