Monday, September 29, 2014

The most threatened President in US history, with what seems to be the least amount of protection.

Courtesy of Slate:  

When a man carrying a knife was able to jump the fence and sprint into the front door of the White House, many said it was symptomatic of larger issues with the Secret Service. A fascinating Washington Post piece today makes it clear just how true that is, recounting how it took four days for the Secret Service to even realize that someone had fired shots at the White House and that seven bullets had struck the upstairs residence in 2011. President Obama and his wife were out of town at the time but their younger daughter Sasha was at home with Michelle Obama’s mother. And Malia was expected back home any minute. 

When Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, a man who appeared increasingly paranoid about the U.S. government and seemingly obsessed with how President Obama “had to be stopped,” fired his semiautomatic rifle out of his car, Secret Service agents were quick to respond. But they were told to stand down, with superiors saying no shots had actually been fired. Even though agents seemed to know that was clearly not true—a pair of agents said they could smell gunpowder while another had heard debris fall from the Truman balcony—they stayed quiet, apparently out of fear of angering their superiors. In the end the conclusion was that two rival gangs had gotten into a gunfight near the White House lawn. 

It was only when a housekeeper found a broken window and a piece of concrete days later that agents began to realize what had happened. The president and first lady were understandably furious. Once the Secret Service actually started investigating, they quickly realized this was no small matter, finding $97,000 worth of damage. 

Mother Jones chimes in reminding us that President Obama has received three times as many threats as previous Presidents. Which of course is not surprising since virtually half of the country does not believe his presidency is valid, with a slightly smaller number not even believing that he was born in this country.

One would think that with the White House resident receiving this vast number of threats that the Secret Service would rise to the occasion and take extra precautions to ensure his safety, and yet there have been numerous cases, including the Colombian prostitution scandal, when it seems that this most respected of security forces seem to be simply phoning it.

I think it is time that somebody cleaned a little house, and perhaps made sure that the people who are the front line of defense in protecting the Commander-in-Chief took their job a little more seriously than those hired to protect clothing outlets in the malls of middle America.


  1. Balzafiar4:38 AM

    I agree wholeheartedly that the Secret Service is a pale imitation of its former self. Given all the evidence of corruption exposed by others, it really is past time for a major shakeup.

    1. "the Secret Service is a pale imitation of its former self"

      Perhaps it's our president's lack of paleness that's at the heart of this outrageous situation.

      Of course, pale presidents Kennedy, Reagan and Ford have been shot at in modern times. Kennedy was killed. Reagan was hit and two Secret Service were wounded. Ford was Ford.

      Starting to get a bad feeling here that an attempt on BHO's life would result in agents whipping out cell phone cameras instead of trying to shield him with their own bodies.


  2. Anonymous4:54 AM

    And the gunman's car was apparently on a street closed to the public. How could that have happened. The Secret Service did not see it???

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      How do we know that someone in the Secret Service was not 'in on this'? There were just too many barriers broken down in the first place, and then too many squelches put on the investigation after the event occurred. It smells beyond fishy to me.

      The other question I have is cui bono? Because, other than Joe Biden, I don't see a possible beneficiary. I realize that righties want Obama gone, but that result merely gives us: President Joe Biden – who then would have a MUCH easier time running in 2016 against a Hillary (or any other democratic) candidate. Does Biden want Obama gone, too? I am not making an accusation against Biden, and one can never know these things for sure. But I do remember that LBJ didn't seem too mournful about JFK's passing, and the Secret Service were in on that one, too.

  3. Three times as many threats! Let's keep the First Family safe!

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      A big chunk of them spawned by hate mongers like Miss Preg Hoax.

  4. Anonymous5:46 AM

    It's prob not lazy reporters who keep the Palin Hoax from being explored in the MSM. I think we can see that it's an upper-management preference, mandate.

    And similarly, these Secret Service lapses make one think that there could well be some upper-management machinations to fail to protect our president.

    I've wondered about that for some time. If they treat him in public (Congress) with impunity, with disdain, then . . . .

    1. Balzafiar5:58 AM

      You are so right; those have long been my thoughts too.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM


    3. Anonymous6:31 AM

      John mcCain/Darral issa on the congressional oversight committee for Secret Service "Scandal" in Cartegena dropped the Cartengena (scandal) investigation When it was revealed that Todd palin pimped Secret Service David Chaney in AK.(in 08 during Bushie years) Malia Littmen has tons of emails, FOIA requests to DHS, Secret Service etc.
      And that Right winger SS agent who wrote a book was also in AK Bongino.
      With all the RW'r in Secret Service is it no wonder? We have the Biggest RW smear machine in history blaring 24/7 SS agents are supposed to be "above" that all as their allegiance is to POTUS but is it? I am very fearful for POTUS.
      Secret Service needs a HUGE overhaul!

    4. Anonymous10:45 AM

      And I wouldn't doubt that in their spare time, the SS listen to Limbaugh, Fox, et al. I would like to see Obama's strong buddies form an inner circle of armed protection for him.

    5. Anonymous5:34 PM

      So good to hear that other commenters see this too: esp with the news just now that the WH intruder got way farther into the WH than was previously reported. Once again, it's not so much the bad event (which is bad, no question) but the cover up. Smells like upper mgmt activities to me. What else? Of course. How stupid of me not to realize that the GOP hostility would extend to the protecting personal safety piece. Mrs Obama realized it going in. Remember?

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    The vast right wing conspiracy, funded by birchite moneymen like the Koch bros, and republican propagandists like Roger Ailes know that the easiest way to rid this country of exceptional leaders like Obama, is to motivate the crazies to do the job for them, while their lackies in the secret service sit back and enjoy their coffee. This crap happens too often to be coincidental. The FBI must put the fear of god into them, unless they too are in the right win pockets.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      You and all the other commenters are right on target (no pun intended) with these points. The evil talkers 'set the stage', and the evil armed ones hear the dog whistles and act accordingly. It's already happened around the country: to Gabby Giffords, et al; to Congressman Cleaver's building; and to many others as well.

  6. Anonymous7:15 AM

    " Which of course is not surprising since virtually half of the country does not believe his presidency is valid, with a slightly smaller number not even believing that he was born in this country. "

    I don't believe for a second that these people believe the president's presidency is not valid, or that he was not born in the US.
    They most definitely know he was born in the US and that his presidency is valid. They are just ugly hateful people who cannot accept that a black citizen of our country won the presidency TWICE,

  7. I suggest everyone read the article in the Washington Post yesterday....I did. And part of what all of working people deal with is superiors. Perhaps there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians as the saying goes in the SS. Or empower lower level employees to follow what they know to be the hearing gunshots...

    How about updating the locks...for starters. I don't blame the first family for being upset....

  8. Anonymous8:00 AM

    6:13 AM EXACTLY!!!!

  9. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Simple fix. Make sure everyone on the president's detail is a Democrat.

  10. Anonymous8:04 AM

    They need to be thrown out. I used to think the Secret Service did its job. It seemed to. It protected Ford in the seventies. What has happened to them? It is almost as if they want something to happen to the president. They should all go. Start over and hire some real bodyguards. They stink on ice. If David Chaney was an example, then this group is a poor, poor example for the Secret Service.

  11. Anonymous8:52 AM

    This makes me so tearful because i pray everyday that god watches over the president and his family. Ever since that POS grifter lost 6 years ago, she has been inciting violence and hatred towards our president. I feel that need to make our voices heard to the Secret Services through any types of communication like social media (facebook, twitter etc) and let them know how dangerous sarah palin is and why it's IMPORTANT to protect the president. Just look how recently at that screech she gave with that "retreat and reload" she spewed AGAIN. I cannot wait til the day karma bites her the ass and all of us here will celebrate her downfall. Let's pray that our president makes it through his term.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Yes. I, too, pray every day for him and all his family, and also for Eric Holder and all his family. Remember Holder in your prayers, as well as the President.

  12. Anonymous8:57 AM

    It's well past time to replace the SS, yes I said replace. They should be highly trained special forces not highway patrol officers that have come up from cushy jobs.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Watching the SS guys 'walk' around the lawn when the guy was entering the White House door was appalling to watch. These guys all need to be replaced and we need a group that is much better trained.

      If something happens to any of the Obamas they will have hell to pay!

  13. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I am appalled at the Security service 'supposedly' protecting President Obama and his family. It is awful what has occurred - especially the shooting into the White House!

    We need to do something about this ASAP! Do we contact Homeland Security w/our thoughts and concerns?

  14. Are a majority of the Secret Service Republicans?

    More to the point, are these "superiors" giving the orders Republicans.

    Just food for thought.

    I think they may have lost some of their objectivity and professionalism.

  15. I think it is high time for a top to bottom investigation of the "Secret Service" including Todd Palin providing prostitutes to Sarah Palin's SS detail.....which included the agent at the center of the "Colombia scandal".Time to put Cong.Elijah Cummings on speed-dial and "revisit" Malia Littman's FOIA.

  16. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I'm usually against "more guns" being a solution to anything, but we're talking about Mrs Robinson and the President's girls. A couple of snipers, and attack dogs on the loose should do it.


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