Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sarah Palin pimps Bristol's blog, complains that event organizers keep uninviting her, and claims to have gay friends. Update!

Courtesy of ole Whiny Britches Facebook page:

Check out this post at Bristol’s blog and offer your thoughts. (I so appreciate her sincere and respectful “what do you think?” approach to these topics.) I am a huge admirer of Coach Dungy's, and I totally get where he's coming from. (By the way Brancy's blog borrows a Right Wing bloggers headline, "If you want to prove that you don't hate gays, all you have to do is worship at their feet." so you know that this defense of Coach Dungy's remarks that he would not have drafted openly gay player Michael Sam is gong to be a trip to homophobic crazy town.) Looking at this personally, my family and I have been told certain event organizers would like us to participate in something but just can't because of the distractions I'd invite. (Oh yeah I bet there are tons of these.) I totally get it and I don't want to burden them with anything that takes focus off their mission. I don't whine that those people "uninviting" us are sexist or anti-conservative or anti-Christian. (What are you doing now? And how does not inviting Sarah Palin to an event make these organizers sexist, anti-conservative, or anti-Christian?) It is what it is, and in sports a coach needs to FOCUS on the goal, not unnecessary distractions! The key to victory on the field is keeping the main thing, the main thing. 

(And, by the way, I think I know my gay friends well enough to know that not one of them would take offense with Coach Dungy's commonsense comments. In fact, from what they've told me, they're as sick and tired of the intolerant, politically correct thought police as I am. The small minority of uber-sensitive intolerant gays who make a big darn deal out of anything that can be spun up as “offensive” are really giving fellow members of their community a bad rap.)

- Sarah Palin

Okay seriously how many of you think that Palin has more than one or two gay friends? And how does she even know, since almost any gay person in her vicinity would be hiding deeply in the closet for fear she might find out?

Look I agree that there are some within ANY any group that get upset about every single perceived slight. You know like all of those times Palin claimed that there was a "War on Christmas," or claimed that Joe McGinniss had moved next door to peer in Piper's window, or states that every policy coming from this President is an attack on the Founding Fathers and an attempt to fundamentally change HER country.

Oh and as for the gay people themselves, well I happen to have a very close relationship with a very outspoken member of that group. And she loves it that the LGBT community is standing up for itself  and refusing to accept the constant stream of name calling, open hostility, and attempts to convince them to change their sexuality in order to make the heterosexuals comfortable.

Oh and she hates Sarah Palin too.

Just like the majority of gay people.

Update: You know it occurs to me to wonder how history might have been changed if Branch Rickey the general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers would have had the same attitude about controversy while thinking about signing Jackie Robinson, as Tony Dungy expressed about the signing of Michael Sams? Sometimes it takes men of strength and moral fiber to withstand the barrage of negative attention they invite when they choose to take a stand for progress, instead of going along like a dead salmon in a stream.

Now where did I hear that last part from I wonder?


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Gasp, gasp,puff,puff seditious sarah, just another vain, lame attempt to glom on to whatever is in the news! No one gives a rats ass what you think about your imaginary friends@ What I want to know is when in the fuck you will be unveiled as the criminal you are. Unless you're willing to discuss all your misdeeds seditious sarah just shut the fuck up, no one cares.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Until bloggers like IM stop feeding the beast the attention it so craves, the beast will keep thriving.

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Fatten her up for the keel.

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Oh SNAP! Is she being "uninvited" like her hateful BF Poopypants?
      LOVE IT!

    4. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Anonymous9:02 AM

      Until bloggers like IM stop feeding the beast the attention it so craves, the beast will keep thriving.
      ya I bet that bitch wishes all the bloggers would go away so she can feed her lies to TMZ . But newflash! The bloggers aren't going away. Infact they are RELOADING!

    5. Anonymous11:04 AM

      10:20 I think the awesomely fantastic Regina of the famed Palingates blog hit the nail on the head with her last post on Palin before freezing Palingates (almost three years ago):

      "Saturday, 15 October 2011
      Bye bye, Sarah
      This week has been very liberating for me. I'm convinced that I wrote everything I could possibly have written about Sarah Palin. However outrageous her behaviour from now on, it would just be a replay of some previous idiocy."

      I think she visits here now and then. Hi Regina- you are truly a class act! She got it just right with that simple post- and moved on.

    6. Anonymous12:48 PM

      @9:02 AM

      I don't get how a blog that points out her idiocy and insanity is helping her to thrive. What's really been helping her is the idiot media and their insistence on treating this fucktard as some sort of serious and politically influential person.God forbid they should tell the truth about the hag. How the hell do they sleep at night?

    7. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I was hoping IM would be the straw that break the camels back :-)

    8. Anonymous1:16 PM

      What would Sarah do all day if she didn't have troll comments to post on Immoral Minority?

    9. Anonymous1:34 PM

      12:48 this blog is highlighting her idiocy to a small group of people, just like c4p is highlighting her 'accomplishments' to a small group of her defenders.... it really is two sides of the same coin. Her detractors are as much of her base as her defenders. She needs both to exist at this point. The national media has all but written her off except for a small meaningless blurb here or there... its not about finding the truth or not, she is just not worth their time or effort. Yesterdays news.

  2. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I too can say I get invited to speak at a lot of functions that no one ever finds out about but that wouldn't make it real, would it Sarah?. We've known for a long time that nobody except your wingnut welfare circuit is interested in you... and they're throwing bleaker and bleaker parties in your honor, aren't they? No wonder you dress that way, it's to insult them isn't it?

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    $arah $arah $arah.....still pissed that you can't go to the state fair and hang with the homophobe Robertsons, are ya?

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      What happened to that event, was it canceled?

  4. Cracklin Charlie6:51 AM

    So, she calls up some event organizers, trying to get herself invited to appear somewhere, anywhere; and, the organizer makes up some bullshit excuse to keep her the hell away from his/her event.

    That doesn't exactly count as uninvited, dipshit!

    You were never invited in the first place. They just weren't that into you.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Yeah, that's more like it all right, but why speak the truth when one can play martyr? She is insufferable.

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      She claims she had a chance to increase her exposure on a broader stage.

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      you are hateful.

    4. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Sarah is down to earth. You are hateful, anonymous.

    5. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Oh my, the Palin Trolls are out in force.

      It is really hard to avoid the truth when the "innertubes" can disseminate information in an instant. Calling someone names for reporting the facts is pretty immature and transparent. Especially when the back up argument is, "Sarah is down to earth." That really proves a lot....

      Sarah's performance at "America's Last Stand" turned out to be a disastrous non-event. How many $1,000 VIP tickets got sold for the honour to "meet and greet" the "A list" grifters? With less than 500 actual tickets sold I doubt many of them were in the VIP range.

      I can't find any coverage of the VIP event. Reporting of the actual "America's Last Stand" event was pretty sparse as it happened. I'm thinking it is safe to assume the VIP event never transpired.

      If I'm wrong, please send coverage links/pictures of the VIP event.

      If Sarah really wanted to prove herself as being "down to earth and serious" she would consent to an interview with a REAL journalist who would ask REAL questions that need REAL answers.

      Sarah has never recovered from not having a clue as what the "Bush Doctrine" was when interviewed by Charles Gibson. Her ignorance was on full display for the entire world to see. Thanks to You Tube we can be reminded of this 24/7 with the click of a mouse.

      Her only appearances are on Fox or at Teabagger gatherings that do not challenge her intelligence. It is hard to challenge what is not there.

    6. Anonymous12:54 PM

      @ 9:33 AM:

      I think "lower than whale shit" is what you mean, right? And you're even lower for condoning and making excuses for her bullshit. Anyone who worships this cretin is obviously completely lacking in brains and morals, therefore they really aren't in a position to lecture others. Fuck off, loser.

    7. Anonymous2:55 PM

      "down to earth"?? Flying in private jets, demanding black SUV's, bendy straws, top notch hotel accomodations? Ah, those were the days. All gone now, though. Her 15 minutes were up long ago.

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    "certain event organizers would like us to participate in something but just can't because of the distractions I'd invite."

    Tammy Faye invited distractions too. Look in the mirror.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      "certain event organizers would like us to participate in something but just can't because of the distractions I'd invite."

      Me thinks this is a very lame excuse thrown out to deflect the questions from the pee pond about where/when is the next speaking engagement. There is so few places that want that used up ho that the poor depends crowd that is her base have nothing to look forward to.

      Oh and a special nod to the extremely hateful theresaak and polarbearpapa in Alaska-you two fake xstians try to hide your racist ugly and hateful agenda in "scripture" however anyone with any sense can see right through you two.

      If skank and Theresa and polar bear poppa are examples of the good citizens of wasilla then I am very happy to never visit the godforsaken city!!!!

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:36 AM

      I believe that theresa and polar bear poppa (oh, isn't that just an adorable, cuddly name?) have indicated that they're married and IMO, are professional postage-paid inciters of the Super Jeebus Xtian Hate Society over there. Unless they're both working in the same cubicle at a telecommunications center in Botswana.

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Could they possibly be Chuckles Sr. and Sally?? They get postage on a regular basis, don't they?

  6. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Wahhh! Poor poor pitiful her. Palin has spent a half dozen years being the sorest loser ever to have an unsuccessful, or better yet, disastrously embarrassingly unsuccessful, leap for national office. Probably these groups rescind their invitations when they find out the demands made by the quitter, probably private jets, 5 star accommodations, goodies for the whole family. And charging for photo ops.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      I think those days are way long gone. Once she had to accept the HS graduation speech in a tiny one horse town, it was the writing on the wall. That is when the bile became even more pronounced. Maybe Nugent could console her, since his gigs are drying up also, too.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      @ 8:45:

      Maybe just as Ted did, she's decided to be start being SO incredibly obnoxious that people would start paying her to stay away. She has definitely turned the crazy up a couple notches lately, and that's saying something!

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    What do your "gay friends" think of your grandson calling people faggots?

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      lol no one here has kids obviously

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      What a shame. No one here has kids that procreate and birth a bastard (Biblical term) and admits they don't watch the kid or care about who they allow to baby sit. Bristol said Todd and his pervert friends taught Tripp to curse and call his mother and aunt names. It is hard to believe Track and the needy busddies weren't in on that between tattoo sessions and their other past times. Too bad not everyone has kids like the Palins. Of course, Bristol and Willow take no responsibility when they encourage Tripp to bout off and treat them like crap. They laugh because they think it is so cute. What a shame everyone here doesn't have kids like that.

      I am beginning to think I could feel sorry for Sarah with the trolls that are only making her look worse all the time. Can't she give them a raise and hire more quality worker bees? Her SOS trolling gets boring.

    3. Anonymous11:15 AM

      that would be you, a no-life slobbering palin troll...

    4. Anonymous1:05 PM

      @ 9:33AM:

      I have an awesome husband and 2 beautiful about you, troll? Tell us about your loving family, we'd love to hear it!

    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      I raised 3 kids, husband in the USAF. They did not EVER hear the word that Tripp called the Palins. If one of them HAD said that, they would have had a slap on the behind, believe me, and a talking to. I would not have laughed about it. I would have wondered where they heard that, made sure to avoid whoever spoke like that. Well, they all knew EXACTLY who their father was, also too, their correct birthdays. Too bad the PayMe family has to keep vital information like that secret.

  8. ibwilliamsi7:03 AM

    "I don't whine that those people "uninviting" us are sexist or anti-conservative or anti-Christian..."

    Irony is just lost on her, isn't it.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Yes. Yes it is.

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      She' s envious of Ted Nugent getting adverse press because of his cancelled venue with an 'un-clean' American Indian casino in Idaho. She'll say anything for attention.

    3. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Todd isn't the only backdoor Palin.

    4. Anonymous1:24 PM

      An amoeba has more self-awareness than this psycho.

  9. Anonymous7:04 AM

    If anyone is UBER-SENSITIVE, it is our Sarah and her Bristol. They are on it like an erupting pimple or wild chin hair.


    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      RJ, are you still living (existing) in Brownbakistan? How's your governor doing? Is he getting replaced/impeached for slashing taxes on his rich buddies and now your state is flat broke?

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM


      There aren't stronger people in the world. No one else could stay strong through slander.

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      8:41 Thanks for asking, the Gov's tax cuts aren't paving the streets with gold bricks. We will be lucky to get the pot holes repaired. But, things seem to be going great for the ruby slipper crowd. Changed voter registration to Repub for the strictly closed primary and hope to make the right choices between the nuts and berries so we can have a better chance of moderating the damage the right wingers have over the last few decades. There is backlash in Brownbackistan and there could be some regime change with the General election.

      9:32 If reading this blog makes you breakout in a slanderous rash, then avoid it like you would poison ivy. Might I suggest a nice massage, facial, mani/pedi and a nice finish with one of those bikini waxes, If you find this slanderous, then you too are uber-sensitive

    4. Anonymous11:25 AM

      9:32 I'd like to put in a vote for 'stronger' with our hard-working America loving President who has withstood years of slander, libel, distortion and outright lies from the mouth and pen of one Mrs Palin from Alaska along with her little hateful anti-American playmates like McCain, Cruz, Graham, Gohmert, Limbaugh, Nugent to name just a few.

      If the media and its audience quit talking about silly $arah, she would remain in her usual fetal position complaining about the lack of attention, good or bad. She only hates indifference like the good little attention-ho she is.

    5. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Oh my god, troll, you are just dumber than a fucking doorknob...President Obama has been slandered more than any other public figure...mainly by people like your idiot queen. He receives over 1,000 death threats a month, he is mocked, ridiculed, belittled and disrespected a million times a day. He has had people plotting to murder him. People have attempted to poison him. He has the right wing calling for his death every time he does or says anything, even by other "leaders" in the GOP, like the guy who was just in the news for saying the President should be DRAWN AND QUARTERED. When has anyone ever suggested Sarah deserves to have her limbs ripped off so she can bleed to death? But Obama doesn't whine. He calls them out, but he NEVER plays the victim, never shows anger or bitterness. He smiles and goes about his job. If Sarah could put on her big girl panties and quit whining and blaming others because she has exposed herself as a lunatic and a moron, maybe people would have a little respect for her stupid ass. Face it, your idol is a weak, adolescent-minded little hypocrite crybaby whiner. Why would you idolize someone like that?

    6. Anonymous3:14 PM

      9:32 You are as nuts as PayMe. If she does not want to be talked about, go home and STAY there. She is not an elected official, she QUIT, remember? She is on a par with Victoria Jackson, who is certifiably NUTS. As some people stated very well, our President is vilified daily, threatened, yet goes on with his job with grace and dignity. He has something no PayMe will EVER have - CLASS. The gop can not stand it that he is popular, highly intelligent, and their criticism rolls off him like water off a duck''s back. That is because he knows he is doing the right thing. Thank GOD little lumpy McCain lost (by a huge amount) the election. Between him and PayMe, we would have been in more wars, the VP mansion would have been overun with the Wasilla hillbillies, babies EVERYWHERE, drunken drug addicts on the lawn. Foul mouthed people demanding to be treated like important dignitaries. Yeah, I shudder to think of that.

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Are a couple of the "distractions" that Sarah Palin might cause related to the infamous Belmonts, sometimes there and sometimes not? Or are the "distractions" her vindictiveness and ignorance? I wouldn't want Sarah and her distractions around me either, so I sure won't invite her to anything.

    1. Ignoring her will only make her put on bigger tits. she is a media ho to the max. The old wacko will do ANYTHING for attention.

      Yep it would be a "distortion distraction."

  11. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Her last event in Denver did not invite distractions, she was mainly ignored, wasn't she? So Nancy French (oops - Bristol) asks "what do you think"? Try telling the truth and see how fast your reply is delected. If she is desperately trying to make Bristol popular, she is wasting her time. EVERYONE knows the girl is dumb as a doorpost, and has just one "hobby" She must not be too good at THAT, either, since the guys always leave. Maybe Palin is getting the same (justified) treatment as Ted Nugent? Both oif them are openly racist, President Obama haters. Roll the two together and their combined I.Q. is just above room temperature. The President's dogs are smarter than either of these clowns. Looks like maybe ol' $carah tried for the View, and was rejected.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Bristol is dumb as a doorpost. Bristol is running an on-line book club. Someone wrote on her Facebook that she read the book in 3rd grade. Is that Bristol's reading level? I didn't know that she could read.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      8:40 AM
      She listens to the audio version and poses with a book. What more do you want?

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      The movie just came out. You need a life and intelligence.

    4. Anonymous11:01 AM

      It will be hard for Bristol to follow the movie but the visual will keep her focused longer than with the audio.

  12. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Palin has friends?!?

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      What happened to Kristine Cole (is that her name)? The woman who ran Sarah's Legal Defense Fund.

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      She went black after helping Sarah with the Shawn Christy debacle. You know trust funds and Dairygate was enough. She has her embezzling mother, who did time for some of her crimes, to look after. She doesn't want to end up like her. Probably wants to fade into the background now. If anymore on the Christy situation opens out she would be in the middle of all that.

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      cole is super busy in real estate. She's a huge name in that biz.

      I do feel bad that the psychotic Christys victimized Kristan too though.

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      More than you probably.

    5. Anonymous1:24 PM

      What happened to Kristine Cole (is that her name)? The woman who ran Sarah's Legal Defense Fund.

      That is another novel. It doesn't have an ending yet, but it will be a good one.

    6. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Nahhh, just people she hasn't stabbed in the back yet.

  13. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Sarah has one, and only one, gay friend.

    Bekka is Sarah's only "friend."

    Bekka just happens to be gay.

    Sarah has to pay Bekka to be her "friend."

    Otherwise Bekka would dump Sarah like a sweet potato.

  14. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Sarah is so popular with millennials, just ask Bristol, hmmm... Nancy. The voice of the oldest teenager in Amurika!
    Bristol's ink
    It looks like Sarah got her talking points. This is the week to attract some minorities to the big Republican tent.

  15. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I wonder why those gays don't invite Palin to more events.

    "Sarah Palin Fightin’ for Duck Dynasty Homophobe"

    Later she said she never read the Duck comments anyway.

    "Willow Palin Facebook -- Sarah Palin's Daughter Uses Homophobic Slurs"

    "Palin opposed state-covered health and retiree benefits to same-sex partners of state employees but complied with an Alaska Supreme Court directive to do so[48][49] and subsequently vetoed a bill that would have denied the benefits.[50] In an interview with Newsweek in 2007, she affirmed her support for an amendment to the state constitution denying benefits to same-sex couples.[49] She later signed a bill ordering a non-binding referendum for a constitutional amendment to deny the benefits.[51]"

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      I wonder why we don't see Sarah at Down Syndrome Association events?

      I wonder why we don't see Sarah involved in the Special Olympics?

      I wonder why we don't see Sarah addressing the NAACP?

      I wonder why the only women's groups who used to invite Sarah to speak were the Right to Life groups? She has never been a champion of Equal Right, Equal Pay or Reproductive Health Care for Women. She did change rape victims in Wasilla $300 for a rape kit.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Stop wondering, they do not PAY enough, if anything. We all know PayMe HAS to be paid, no freebees (as far as speeches, anyway) go.

  16. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Maybe they want real christians to headline their events. You know, "do unto others....."

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Love your neighbor...
      Turn the other cheek….
      Suffer the children….

  17. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Just how many "sexist or anti-conservative or anti-Christian" groups would invite her anyway? Would anyone pay a speaking fee just to laugh at her? Once again, she's living in her imagination.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Sarah is begging to be invited anywhere. Isn't there a supermarket opening in Wasilla that she could attend? A used car lot special? Other than some facebook posts and an appearance on Fox, what else does Sarah have? If only David Letterman would make another joke about her, she could pretend to be offended and play her victim card again. I dare Sarah to go on Letterman's show, on Jon Stewart's show, or on Bill Maher's show. They would love to have her and they would love the ratings. Go ahead, Sarah, appear at some anti-conservative (liberal?) event.

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      A Wasilla market and they would be throwing tomatoes at her. She would have been more popular at the fair with the homophones.

  18. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I do not understand her trying to make Bristol something she is not. We saw her on DWTS, pregnant, talking about giving American the "big middle finger" We heard her, like, speaking, like AWESOME and WHATNOT. She said that the other people on the show did not like her. No wonder, they had TALENT and were trying very hard to learn. They had to sign confidentiality agreements to never expose her as pregnant. They worked their asses off, while she pouted and did little or nothing to learn. $carah is flogging a dead horse, trying to reinvent this bland, uneducated daughter into some kind of political "star" Never happen. Incidentaly, does Bristol know what her views on this subject are supposed to be, or is she still hungover from her bar hopping? Poor $carah, always the GRANDMA, never the MOTHER-IN-LAW.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      She thinks Bristol is her key to millennials and her last hope for a dynasty if Piper gets knocked up. Plus she is an easy tool being she has been trained by a cult from an early age, kept with low IQ and manipulated by allowing her carnal desires (drugs, sex and her dark side kept secret). With Nancy as Bristol's voice what could be more simple to dispense Palin Xtain/psuedo-political propaganda?

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      It is curious. Why Bristol? Surely the rest of her family knows all the secrets. Why is she the one being pushed forward/bought off?

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Thank you for exposing Sarah as pushing Bristol into stardom when Bristol had no talent for anything, not for dancing, not for giving speech, not for "writing" a book, not for reality show, not for anything.

      Doesn't anyone wonder why Bristol got all of these great opportunities (and all that money) and the other Palin kids did not cash in the same way. Track was shipped off to Michigan and then he was shipped off to the military. Sorry, Track, no TV show for you. Willow was shipped off to hair school in Arizona. Judging from the messy wigs that Sarah has been seen in, Willow hasn't done much of anything either. Piper?

      What did Bristol do to deserve so much good fortune? Just standing on the convention stage, being presented as Sarah's unwed pregnant teen daughter was not proof of Sarah giving birth to Trig. It must have been humiliating for Bristol, but that's not worth all that stuff, the condo in Anchorage, the so-called job in the doctor's office, magazine spreads and TV appearances, none of it. Let's really be honest here. It makes it look as if Bristol gave something else to Sarah (or had it taken from her). This is hush money and pay back, over and over. Bristol can't write a blog. Anything longer than 3 sentences has been written by her ghost writer, Nancy French. Bristol doesn't follow the news to keep up with what Christian is in what prison overseas. Bristol shouldn't write about homosexuals since she is the Queen of Homophobic Slurs. No, Bristol has been rewarded over and over for something much bigger.

    4. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Why is she the one being pushed forward/bought off?

      Todd is out, he has other business arrangements. How could she use Track Palin? Willow? Piper is too young.
      Her brother is doing all he can. Who else could she use?

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      So much bs. Confidentiality agreements? You're delusional. Is your fiction writing boring you yet?You just judged a person you've never met.

    6. Anonymous9:26 AM

      The only people who use others are bloggers, for their selfish gain, to slant their politics and add hate and lies to the world.

      So many lies have resulted from no knowing who write blogs about republicans while ignoring huge problems with their own party.

    7. Anonymous9:27 AM

      It's just funny that people can take a positive message and pro life stance and turn it negative. And invent complete narratives form nothing. That takes talent Anonymous. Do you have a life and mind?

    8. Anonymous9:28 AM

      lol You can rinse and repeat the same comments and you'll always be ignorant.

    9. Anonymous9:30 AM

      lol You're acting like Sarah has control over LA. In reality, LA loves drama. And LA is definitely anti-Palin, though Bristol has friends there and from dwts. Though she's just a down to earth Alaskan girl most happy living a "normal life." That is obvious.

    10. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Also too again also REMEMBER that Bristol is an integral part of Palin's master crime. Whoev birthed Trig, Sarah was completely dependent on Bristol to carry out the scheme for Sarah to survive as a political candidate. Sarah uses the guilt on Bristol for nearly ruining her life during her wild teen years. Bristol also can use what all Sarah has done to manipulate her mother.

      Sarah has a big investment in using Bristol for something she is not.

      The entire family myth is used for something it is not. Sarah Brand is busy creating a social media persona for Bristol Palin as a part of the mythological family. They also created a television persona, a book author, abortion activist and professional speaker, Hobby Lobby idea-ist and now children's book club leader. All that and the Mama Bear2 who adheres to the Palin way of feeding your kids toxic processed food and sweets.

    11. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Anonymous9:27 AM

      It's just funny that people can take a positive message and pro life stance and turn it negative.
      Pro-life a hateful screeching shrew fomenting hate all over the country?
      Botched executions the RW trolls happy?
      Pointing guns at little innocent children RW happy scream about "immigration" problem?
      No nothing "negative " about "prolife troll!
      Why are you here troll?
      Nothing you say reaching our ears.
      We will vote all of Prolife out.
      Go away.

    12. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Bristol is an Alaskan homey who will go down, ask Junker and the boys. Too again also too Willblow.

    13. Anonymous10:16 AM

      She said that the other people on the show did not like her. 

      That's because she was lazy and didn't have any work ethics.

    14. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Why push Bristol out there to make her something she is not? That's an easy answer. Because don'cha know Bristol wasn't really a high school dropout unwed teen mother - she was a born again Virgin! Child of queen Esther!

    15. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Anonymous9:26 AM Get it through your skull, dumbass! Republicans hate the bitch too.

  19. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I thought maybe she'd be a little more careful about what she said as the donations dry up. So transparent....crying about not being invited to events, turning it into another ginned up "attack" on her. Always frantic to wring one more headline, regardless of how idiotic she appears.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      After that "America's Last Gasp" fiasco, even Santorum and Pirro do not want to appear with her, I'll bet. Their "take" from that was hardly worth the travel expense. $carah was supposed to be the headliner, and nobody wanted to buy tickets!!! More were given away than sold. They must have emptied out the local retired living facilities to fill seats.

  20. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sarah's gay friend:

    Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin
    p.33 “Our team was made up of a group of best girlfriends, like Kim “Tilly” Ketchum and Karen Bush, who shared everything, including our faith. (Tilly taught me to drive her sister’s VW stick shift on the way to practices, and she and our other girlfriend, Adele Morgan, were my partners in shop class, which we took to avoid home ec.)”
    p. 38 My first chug of beer, with Todd and Tilly the summer after we graduated.
    p.42 “I kicked off college by taking a semester to thaw out; along with Tilly and two other girlfriends, we flew to Hawaii for our freshman year of college. [...]
    Tilly and I opted for a more conventional and affordable campus, choosing Idaho because […]
    After our freshman year, Tilly and I returned to Wasilla for summer work at a little diner. […]
    p.45 Tilly and I came home to Alaska between semesters and worked so we could earn money to pay for the next term. Sometimes we had to take a semester off and work until we could afford tuition again.
    p. 216 “Then we [Steve Schmidt] talked about gay marriage. That’s when I told them about Tilly, my junior high friend and college roommate, who, after college, decided to openly live THE LIFESTYLE SHE CHOSE with her partner. To me, she was still Tilly. I loved her dearly--loved the whole Ketchum family.
    [CAPS added]

    Tilly 'chose' a 'lifestyle' that was contrary to the faith in which she was raised.

    Sarah 'chose' to enter into 'essentially a business contract' with Todd.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Well, obviously Glen Rice was NOT a shared experience, nor was Curt Menard or Toad, or any number of "others" I wonder how those "old friends" feel about this bitch today?

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Dude, why lie?

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Are you suggesting that Tilly left Sarah-the-lipstick-lesbian for another woman? These excerpts sound like a different version of a "wite-out" story on Sarah's part. Burying the past under a thin veneer. But it would explain more about her general bitterness, her "marriage," etc etc.

    4. Anonymous11:22 AM

      9:24 AM 'DUDE' is Willow's most favorite word, 'fa..ot'
      comes in second.

  21. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Is it just me or does $arah & michelle bachmann share the same crazy eyes? I smell desperation from $arah, pac money running low maybe, my favorite gay is the guy who told bristoool off after she fell off the mechanical bull, but I'll give her credit for saying she's uninvited, after all she thought she was the center of the universe, ah how the mighty has fallen

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I agree with anon 7:56. They want the easy money without having to work very hard for it. They also love the attention. They both same the most outlandish things to be sure of getting that attention. They must have studied at the school of Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly.

    2. Anonymous8:33 AM

      well, you see how well it worked for Ted "Poopypants" Nugent to get his name and face in the news by being uninvited by the "vermin" in Idaho so Sarah thought she would try it to get her name and face in the news.

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      They are both zealots. It shows in their eyes.

  22. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Look. There's no question that Michael Sam's decision to be honest and true to himself, to live his life openly and allow the NFL to face the issue of gays within their ranks was obviously all about Sarah Palin. And Coach Dungy's issue with coaching an 'out' gay player is, also, too, obviously, all about Sarah Palin. To not see the connection between Sarah Palin and Everything is to deny the Creator and His plan for America.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      I wonder if she's still best buds with Carrie Prejean?

      "It was one gay-marriage-opposing beauty queen to another when Alaska Governor Sarah Palin phoned Miss California Carrie Prejean with a few kind words."

      "Porn company Vivid Entertainment wants to release Carrie Prejean sex tape: report"
      "The exploding sex tape scandal surrounding Prejean began when a lawyer for Miss California USA pageant officials, whom Prejean had sued alleging religious discrimination, produced a copy of the hard core sex tape during settlement negotiations.

      After being shown the video, Prejean promptly dropped her $1M demands and bolted from the table empty-handed."

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Someone (who is really bored) should make a list of all the band wagons Palin has jumped on, and of all the people in the news that she has tried to twist the story to be about her.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      It would be interesting to know how many players were coached by Dungy, who were afraid to come out, because of his obvious homophobia? I applaud Sam, for being who he is, living the life he wants with no apologies (none needed) or excuses given. Takes a lot of courage to do what he did.

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      I wonder if race or religion might also be a distraction for Dungy.

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Yes, 8:51, all the bandwagons she has jumped on and then just sat and done nothing. What happened to the soldier arrested in Mexico? What happened to Bitch's "compassion" for all the children crossing the border?

    6. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Perfection. +1000.

    7. Anonymous9:50 AM

      8:51 AM

      Not enough bandwidth in the universe.

    8. Anonymous10:07 AM

      At one time Sarah was setting her young daughter Bristol up with Carrie Prejean. After that there were the comments and others saying there are Bristol sex tapes. Coincidence?

  23. Our Lad8:06 AM

    Great Caesar's ghost, when, when for the love of Mike will this simpleton run out of gas and just shut the fuck up?

    1. I don't care if she never shuts up. But won't it be a lovely day when, finally, finally, there is no coverage of her demented ravings at all, ever again?

  24. Anonymous8:11 AM

    The Washington Post has a thoughtful article about Coach Dungy's comments on drafting Sam.
    "Keith Olbermann, never one to hold back, crowed that: “Tony Dungy just admitted that Tony Dungy wouldn’t be a skilled enough coach to deal with the distraction of doing the right thing.”"
    "Dungy may have made an unfortunate contribution to the very media environment around Sam that he says he intended to decry. But his remarks come too late to affect the draft. Dungy’s hesitancy has done more harm to his own reputation than it did to Sam’s career."

  25. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Bristol Palin (and Nancy French) should not be writing about gay issues because:
    1. Bristol and Willow addressed some poor guy on facebook with homophobic slurs because he criticized Bristol's lack of talent in DWTS.
    2. Bristol confronted a heckler in a Los Angeles bar by yelling at him, "What are you, gay?"
    3. We all watched darling, cute little Tripp lose his temper in "Life's a Tripp" by dropping the homophobic "f bomb." Tripp must have learned that language from the parent who had dominated his life and used him as a prop for her brief moment of celebrity.
    4. Conclusion: Bristol has used homophobic slurs, so she really should not be writing about what is appropriate or inappropriate language.
    5. Sarah also linked to Bristol's post, saying that we don't need politically correct language. We are too sensitive. Sarah was writing about gays, but she took offense at an HBO episode that was designed to provoke her. Sarah has exploded with rage when anyone anywhere in the world uses a so-called "r" word when they are not referring to Trig.
    6. Sarah thinks that SHE doesn't have to use politically correct language. She can refer to slavery and it's not racist. But if anyone called her an insulting name, she rants and raves at the outrage. Hypocrite! They are all of them hypocrites!

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Bristol's never used a slur.

      She and Willow have gay friends, mostly from school.

      Why are you projecting YOUR own hate onto strangers?

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      You are a hypocrite. All you do here is attack, lie and verbally abuse people you don't know while allowing your friends do the same.

    3. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Bristol palin and nancy french should not write period b/c they are dumb. Dumb and dumber.
      And paid kock mouthpieces.

    4. Anonymous11:18 AM

      9:24 AM You are taking up TOO much space here, and those are only the Stupid comments that Gryphen allows to get through. Without Gryphen's blog, you would be a nervous wreck. You should thank Gryphen for ALLOWING you to post your stupidity here. Why do you think that you should be a spokesperson for the scandalous Palins? You must be just as uneducated and scandalous. Only a Fool would 'claim' you as her spokesperson. You just make the Palins look even more Dysfunctional than they are. If Sarah Palin is paying YOU to post nonsense on various blogs, she is wasting her(SarahPac) money.

    5. Anonymous11:25 AM

      9:23 AM Are you one of the Palins' gay friends? You seem to have an obsession with Bristol and Willow. Now don't get your stinky bedpan panties in a wad, it is o.k. to be gay.

    6. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Don't forget. Brancy-Sarah also took potshots at Sasha and Malia Obama by saying "maybe they watched to many episodes of Glee".

  26. WalterNeff8:25 AM

    Ask Dungy his world would be if Branch Rickey had said, "I don't want the distraction."

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Let's go back a little further in sports when only white players made up major league baseball teams. Jackie Robinson was a ground breaking player who could have been a distraction. People shouted terrible things at him and he did not react. He just played the game, and he played it well. He also opened the door so that other groups are also part of major league baseball. There are African American, Hispanic and Asian players when there was a time when only whites played that game. There are probably other gay players who just don't want to go public with announcing their sexual preference. That's their business. It was very brave of Sam to come out the way he did.

      And there are still racists in sports. The latest example is Donald Sterling and before him, Marge Schott. Their outspoken racism was considered so unacceptable that there were consequences for their hate speech.

  27. Beldar J Conehead8:34 AM

    I love the way this clan of unedumacated grifters tries to position itself as insightful national thought leaders that the little people can consult via social media each day to help them decide how they feel about important issues and current events.

    Good luck with that, Screechy.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:40 AM

      Oh, but Beldar, doncha know they're JUST like us'n, only more common-sensical and witty and pious and all that stuff?

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      As my dear departed Dad used to say, "they don't have enough brains to pour pee out of a boot."

    3. "Anonymous10:13 AM
      As my dear departed Dad used to say, "they don't have enough brains to pour pee out of a boot.""
      Yes, even with instructions right there on the heel...

  28. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I don't trust people who "hate" anyone.

    Mature people don't hate.

    People here need to think about that.

    You're projecting things onto Sarah Palin when you don't know her and read writings about her with a very obvious slant.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      People that "hate" "hate" or continually talk about it, think in those terms, define their own lives in those terms. So try to think more positively, and you'll lose that constant framework of "hate". You are projecting your own conceptual framework of "hate" onto others, accusing them of the feeling, when it is you yourself expressing it.

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      You don't trust Bristol? Doesn't she "hate" Levi and Sunny?

    3. We know all we need to know about her from what she herself says and does, you nasty, horrid cretin.

      For you to support Palin who hates this country so much and crows gleefully and hopefully for its destruction shows your true colors.

      You are as disgusting and worthless as Palin is.

    4. Anonymous10:45 AM


      You are right on about Sarah Palin when she says "Sambo beat the bitch" and shitloads of remarks and writings where she demonstrates her hate. You are right, Sarah Palin is not mature and not to be trusted.
      I am grateful you and others are helping others to think about Sarah Palin and all her hate that is documented. Yes, a great deal of what she does is nothing except Palin projection. The only people who are left to trusting her are a shrinking minority.

    5. Anonymous11:05 AM

      9:20 AM You don't know Sarah Palin, so WTF are you here for? Your Palin Obsession is insane and you are dangerous to them. You are a gnat that will be swatted away.

    6. Anonymous12:23 PM

      9:20 Why do you hate Gryphen and all of us so much? Your projections bounce off us and stick back on you. You have an unhealthy obsession.

    7. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Who does Sarah Palin hate? She hates Sunny Johnston and Lanesia Garcia for Bristol Palin. She hates her grandson's nice grandmother, Sherry Johnston.

      The short list is who she could like. She pretends to like people but she ends up throwing them under the bus. Who could believe she ever liked them at all?

  29. Anonymous9:21 AM

    In reality, there isn't a person Sarah would dislike unless they are rude or spread lies about her. See her on the street, she'd smile and chat with you. Though YOU would probably act uncivilly. Telling.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Are you saying she would have a one night stand with you if you are a baller from Michigan?

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      See her on the street, I'd cross to the other side.

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      9:21 AM You have NO knowledge of what Sarah Palin does. You Stalk their Facebook accounts to get information to help portray you as a Palin insider. You are NOBODY to the Palins. You tell LIES about them daily.

    4. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Why does she hate President Obama then? What lies did he tell about her, or when was he rude? Is it civil for Sarah to mock President Obama's private parts? Or to dehumanize and belittle him constantly in the hopes that someone will hurt or kill him? You are such a goddamn hypocrite! How do you not see this?

    5. Anonymous3:44 PM

      9:21 AM See her in a Dorm Room, she'd spread her legs and scream for you. Be nice to Rice.

  30. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Sarah hates or dislikes no one. That is your projection. Notice the vilest things are written on liberal blogs. That is fact.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Uhhh can you say President Obama?

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Uhhh can you say Levi Johnston?

    3. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Uhhh can you say Katie Couric?

    4. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Uhhh can you say Shailey Tripp?

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Uhhh can you say Graph?

    6. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Uhhh can you say Malian Layman?

    7. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Uhhh can you say Immoral Minority contributors?

    8. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Uhhh can you say Glenn Rice?

    9. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Uhhh can you say Asians in Hawaii?

    10. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Uhhh can you say the Wasilla Police Officer who dared to give the Great Sarah Palin a speeding ticket when she was trying to qualify?

    11. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Uhhh can you say America?

    12. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Uhhh can you say the brown children who dare to cross our borders?

    13. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Uhhh can you say First Lady Michelle Obama?

    14. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Uhhh can you say Wasillians who won't kiss her ass?

    15. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Uhhh can you say Joe McGinniss?

    16. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Fact is that YOU, TROLL, love this blog. You are here all day and all night. Is this your idea of getting a life?
      Things must not be too vile for you here, you come here for your daily Palin orgasm.

    17. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Uhh can you say Muslims who want to build a mosque in NYC on their own land?

    18. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Uhh who is Graph?

    19. Anonymous12:12 PM

      She must have hated Dar Miller, she had that mysterious death. Well, we know she love/hate Curtis Menard Jr., he died early. How many don't we know about?

      She really went all out for Gabby Gifford. She was fortunate to live. Yet there was collateral damage that occurs when Sarah hates.

    20. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Oh my god! You guys are priceless. Giggle, giggle. Snort, snort. Nice roll!

    21. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Uhhh can you say Letterman, Maher, Stabbenow, Pelosi, Reid, the Clintons, Kathy Griffen, any and all bloggers who report on the palin shortcomings, etc etc etc............

    22. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Oh come on. The poor troll has to make a living.
      Postage isn't easily earned, it must take 10 posts to make a dollar.
      Besides, it let's us all know just how much IM can push Sarah's buttons.

      Gryphen, please keep the pressure on!

    23. PalinsHoax3:02 PM

      Uhhh can you say Trig?

      1.) "Hand me a baby, not the retarded one, the other one."

      2.) What shall I name my baby? Why, I'll name him after his condition, Tri-G!

      3.) Observe in the photos how Trig cannot bear to be near the Ol' Vulture.

  31. @921, 922, 923, 923, 924, 924

    Do you know each other?

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      The troll has many personalities and many names. Do they know each other? Good question!

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      It's UNITED STATES. Saw it arrive on the feed.

    3. Anonymous10:16 AM

      It's been reported that $arah suffers from multiple personality disorder. Too bad the ones she inhabits as an IM troll don't get together with the main $P personality with the big, mad mouth that makes a grifty living disliking the President, liberals and minorities by saying and writing the vilest things about anyone not living up to her 'standards'.

    4. Anonymous10:22 AM

      BJC! Cracking up here. Too bad that one will go right on over its head.

    5. Anonymous10:30 AM

      My money is on "Yes".

      Probably have the same ISP, also too!

    6. Anonymous10:40 AM

      They talk to each other regularly.

    7. Anonymous11:46 AM

      UNITED STATES Troll is quite busy this week. She is more than likely the Troll who Threatened Malia Litman. UNITED STATES Troll is a Coward who uses many fake names, and implies that she is a Palin Insider. She has multiple comments with the same time stamps. Anchorage, Wasilla, and Los Angeles Trolls are her co-conspirators. They are so stupid that they are jokes. They are like a group of Middle Schoolers playing games on the internet.

    8. Anonymous11:54 AM

      10:16 AM

      Do you think each personality has a different computer and IP address or do they all use the same one?

    9. Anonymous12:18 PM

      "She is more than likely the Troll who Threatened Malia Litman." Coincidentially, Shawn's Mom disappeared without a clue as to what happened. And coincidentally, Crystol Wolf Lady has been silent, who knows why?
      UNITED STATES Troll and it's multi-personality must be on a gleeful, gloating roll this week.

    10. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Is it possible each member of the Palin clan have Multiple Personality Disorder?
      Each one with their own smart phones and laptops.

  32. Anonymous9:43 AM

     "If you want to prove that you don't hate retards, all you have to do is worship Sarah's feet."

  33. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:44 AM

    "If you want to prove that you don't hate Sarah Palin, all you have to do is worship at her feet."

    There. Fixed it for ya, Patty McPityParty!

  34. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I totally get it and I don't want to burden them with anything that takes focus off their mission. I don't whine that those people "uninviting" us are sexist or anti-conservative or anti-Christian. 

    So if you don't invite Bristol or Sarah to your party then you must be Anti-Christian? Okayyyy.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Pro-fake Christian. Now ain't that positive?

  35. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Do our trolls ever spend time reading the conservative blogs and note the vile comments about the liberals posted there?

    Sarah's speeches and posts direct some vile comments and projections about those that do not fit her worldview. Those of us she doesn't consider real Americans. Hate would be a good word to define her polemics.


    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Oh, come on now, according to the troll, when the righties do it, it's "calling it like they see it!" Perfectly ok.

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      You mean like the hate spewed on Brisket's "christian" blog?

  36. Anonymous10:29 AM

    BJC, I m sure Gryph can tell you the ISP they are posting from is the same.

  37. Well, I see Tiggles the Wonder Troll is squatting and piddling all over this thread.

    It must really stick in the troll's craw that Palin's desperation is showing so much.

  38. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It's barstool,wallow or seditious sarah bwahahahahah

  39. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Sarah is finally reaping the reality of the negativity she has worked oh so hard to sow the last several years. Her shelf life has expired and is now slapping her in the face. But she won't fade away quietly or gracefully, oh no. Rogues like her will only go down kicking and screaming and try every trick in the book to stay in that money-paying limelight even if it means letting all the crazy shine through. Sarah killed her goose that used to lay golden eggs but no more. She actually cooked her own goose all by herself and has no one else to blame though being the professional victim she is, she will try ever so even harder to convince the world that she is the true libel victim.

    The rogue is getting desperate for the money & fame she used to have flowing her way. Her nasty plots are backfiring so she is in panic mode. She's like an old hooker that can't admit nobody outside her nutgroup wants to hire her because there's a better looking one down the street. I love her screeches - she is showing the world how pathetic, sad and negative she has become in her attention-grabbing desperate efforts. They see Palin coming and they cross the street to the other side to avoid her like they did like Hollywood did to Bristol. Yes, Sarah is beginning to feel the sting but it will take her a lifetime to figure out why. She's her own worst enemy. Always has been and always will be. Just look at her latest trend. I may have missed a couple but it's going like this.

    1) I wish that I also too would get invited to be on a show like The View. People just don't know what they're missing by not hiring me!

    2) Hey everybody, guess what! True Blood asked me to make my cameo appearance but I turned them down! (Right!)

    3) I would totally love if someone in the sports world would make use of my brand but they keep turning down my offers and now I know it's because they are anti this and that and don't they know that I have gay friends by the way and I'm not whining about them uninviting me and my family to anything even though those gays are making a big deal out of nothing. I just can't figure this out but hey on to VICTORY!

    Sarah is now basically hunting the want-ads. Her paid "consultants" are focused on contacting any possible venues that will showcase her. I wonder when she herself called People Magazine and they said, "Sarah who?" did she have a tear in her eye.


    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      She should check Craigslist again and be sure to give her loyal employee Rebecca Mansour a raise. My gosh! What she has endured, I doubt it is worth the thousands she is paid to be treated like the Palins do.

      It is not like Dr. Laura and Tammy Bruce. Mansour has been chit, chit, chit on and none of it acceptable yet she takes it over and over.

  40. Anonymous11:18 AM

    How DOES Sarah Palin feel about homosexuality? When her BFF's the Duck Dynasty let loose with a string of gay bashing comments, Sarah defended them. http://www.thewrap.c

    I looked in Google using the search words, "Sarah Palin, homosexuals" and there are a number of articles where Palin cringed at the idea of a gay-friendly book for children, a gathering celebrating gay marriage. The church that Sarah claims to belong to also believes in "praying away the gay," which is an anti-gay and unrealistic belief. In this interview on CBS Sarah claims that being gay is a choice

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      She will pretend to love gays as long as they have no rights and are treated less than human beings under the law. She is such a constitutional scholar she will figure out how to go to their events and still rally over time to make sure the constitution isn't for them.

  41. These phony assholes don't just love to make fun of gays, they see nothing wrong with bashing them, hurting them and making their lives miserable. Why doesn't the 3rd (bustol) and 5th (palin) grade readers write about the deaths and hate that their side spews on the daily to people minding their own damn business. Ignorant, stupid, retards.

    There she goes lying again. We all know this insufferable witch will hijack an event to gain attention, rather to steal attention. she doesn't care if they cause a slight scene or disrupt the event. Remember when toad and the bag hijacked the Iowa State Fair? toad was so proud they caused a little stir that he commented out loud that she is still hot.

    she is telling folks that she isn't invited because she is just too popular (delusional.) This is to ward off the diss the RNC has for her dumbass for the 2nd year in a row. hahahaha

  42. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Hey, Sarah! Here's the solution!
    Organize your own event -- in Alaska, Arizona, or wherever -- and the you'd be in charge! You'd be the keynote speaker, and all the other events would be determined by you!
    Win-win! Let us know as soon as you've put together your event!

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Right now, Sarah and Todd are "on duty" for Joni Ernst who is actually serving in the military. Aw, I guess that means that she can't campaign. Sarah and Todd are not actively serving, the way that the police are "on duty" or engaged in an assigned task. They are just holding up signs. Big deal.

  43. Anonymous1:04 PM

    You don't like me or my mom? Then you are not Christians!

    Fuck you Butthole, boo hoo

  44. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sarah looks like the Witch Candidate, what's her name, in the above picutre.

    Sarah Palin speaks....


  45. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Sarah can't hate Gays. Isn't Todd Gay?

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Do you think she really likes him? Could be, I suppose.

      I think what matters to her is that gays and those she considers lesser, like liberals, have fewer rights. The constitution belongs to Sarah's ilk. She would probably tolerate her husband being say, bi-sexual, if it served her in other ways.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Todd is bi.

  46. Caroll Thompson1:44 PM

    Hey Bristol, here's a talking point: Don't like gay marriage? Don't have one.

    Hey Sarah: Your bookings are drying up because no one is showing up to see you and the folks that book you cannot afford to lose money. They can't afford a private plane, a fancy hotel and a fat speaking fee for you when you don't bring the crowds. It's simple economics.

    Bet it sucks to be you Sarah. One of the reasons that I never flew first class is because I did not to become accustomed to something I could not afford. It is going to tough for you going from a private charter to flying coach on Alaska Airlines.

  47. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Thanks for the links.

    I am engrossed in the comments at the Thoughts from Vera City post. And plan to set aside time to read more of her other posts (and the comments).

  48. Anonymous2:14 PM

    When I first heard the coach's comments, I thought, "Okay, that's your opinion." But later he thanked the Christian community for their support. To me that made it clear that it was about being a homophobe, not that drafting him was a "distraction." I won't listen to coach ever again.

  49. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "certain event organizers would like us to participate in something but just can't because of the distractions I'd invite."

    Showing up drunk or high can cause some distractions as well as trying to make sense of the "sentence" you just wrote.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      I still say she's referencing the Alaska State Fair. Distraction? Try lynch mob. It's not because you're "all that," $arah. THAT is all in your head.

  50. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I saw part of TMZ last night, they were making fun of her and one of the staffers made the comment the only thing they like about palin is the movie Nailin' Palin.

    Guess she will have to sue them or call Inside Edition

  51. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Roh roh!! There goes TMZ on speed dial from all the Palin phones.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.