Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Andrew Sullivan delivers the truth about President Obama that the GOP desperately doesn't want to hear. That he has already outmaneuvered them.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:

The right’s core case is that Obama has governed as a radical leftist attempting a “fundamental transformation” of the American way of life. Mitt Romney accuses the president of making the recession worse, of wanting to turn America into a European welfare state, of not believing in opportunity or free enterprise, of having no understanding of the real economy, and of apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. According to Romney, Obama is a mortal threat to “the soul” of America and an empty suit who couldn’t run a business, let alone a country. 

Leave aside the internal incoherence—how could such an incompetent be a threat to anyone? None of this is even faintly connected to reality—and the record proves it. On the economy, the facts are these. When Obama took office, the United States was losing around 750,000 jobs a month. The last quarter of 2008 saw an annualized drop in growth approaching 9 percent. This was the most serious downturn since the 1930s, there was a real chance of a systemic collapse of the entire global financial system, and unemployment and debt—lagging indicators—were about to soar even further. No fair person can blame Obama for the wreckage of the next 12 months, as the financial crisis cut a swath through employment. Economies take time to shift course. 

But Obama did several things at once: he continued the bank bailout begun by George W. Bush, he initiated a bailout of the auto industry, and he worked to pass a huge stimulus package of $787 billion. 

All these decisions deserve scrutiny. And in retrospect, they were far more successful than anyone has yet fully given Obama the credit for. The job collapse bottomed out at the beginning of 2010, as the stimulus took effect. Since then, the U.S. has added 2.4 million jobs. That’s not enough, but it’s far better than what Romney would have you believe, and more than the net jobs created under the entire Bush administration. In 2011 alone, 1.9 million private-sector jobs were created, while a net 280,000 government jobs were lost. Overall government employment has declined 2.6 percent over the past 3 years. (That compares with a drop of 2.2 percent during the early years of the Reagan administration.) To listen to current Republican rhetoric about Obama’s big-government socialist ways, you would imagine that the reverse was true. It isn’t. 

The right claims the stimulus failed because it didn’t bring unemployment down to 8 percent in its first year, as predicted by Obama’s transition economic team. Instead, it peaked at 10.2 percent. But the 8 percent prediction was made before Obama took office and was wrong solely because it relied on statistics that guessed the economy was only shrinking by around 4 percent, not 9. Remove that statistical miscalculation (made by government and private-sector economists alike) and the stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do. It put a bottom under the free fall. It is not an exaggeration to say it prevented a spiral downward that could have led to the Second Great Depression.

And don't think that Sullivan lets the  Left off the hook either, because he certainly doesn't.

But the right isn’t alone in getting Obama wrong. While the left is less unhinged in its critique, it is just as likely to miss the screen for the pixels. From the start, liberals projected onto Obama absurd notions of what a president can actually do in a polarized country, where anything requires 60 Senate votes even to stand a chance of making it into law. They have described him as a hapless tool of Wall Street, a continuation of Bush in civil liberties, a cloistered elitist unable to grasp the populist moment that is his historic opportunity. They rail against his attempts to reach a Grand Bargain on entitlement reform. They decry his too-small stimulus, his too-weak financial reform, and his too-cautious approach to gay civil rights. They despair that he reacts to rabid Republican assaults with lofty appeals to unity and compromise. 

They miss, it seems to me, two vital things. The first is the simple scale of what has been accomplished on issues liberals say they care about. A depression was averted. The bail-out of the auto industry was—amazingly—successful. Even the bank bailouts have been repaid to a great extent by a recovering banking sector. The Iraq War—the issue that made Obama the nominee—has been ended on time and, vitally, with no troops left behind. Defense is being cut steadily, even as Obama has moved his own party away from a Pelosi-style reflexive defense of all federal entitlements. Under Obama, support for marriage equality and marijuana legalization has crested to record levels. Under Obama, a crucial state, New York, made marriage equality for gays an irreversible fact of American life. Gays now openly serve in the military, and the Defense of Marriage Act is dying in the courts, undefended by the Obama Justice Department. Vast government money has been poured into noncarbon energy investments, via the stimulus. Fuel-emission standards have been drastically increased. Torture was ended. Two moderately liberal women replaced men on the Supreme Court. Oh, yes, and the liberal holy grail that eluded Johnson and Carter and Clinton, nearly universal health care, has been set into law. Politifact recently noted that of 508 specific promises, a third had been fulfilled and only two have not had some action taken on them. To have done all this while simultaneously battling an economic hurricane makes Obama about as honest a follow-through artist as anyone can expect from a politician.

The entire article is well worth the time to read and I certainly encourage you to do so.

It will prove informative for not only the anti-Obama Right Wing, but also the Anti-Obama Left Wing, and even the pro-Obama progressives such as myself.

In other words, a little something for everyone. Though imagine that those who really NEED to read it, simply sill not.

It seems at least one Obama hater did read it. (Or at least had it read to her.)

This from Sarah Palin's twitter account.

Oooh that pissed off the Grizzled Mama!

And there she goes again bringing attention to the fact that there are questions about who actually gave birth to Trig.  It is almost like she is daring us to reveal the truth.

Challenge accepted.


  1. Palin can't let this one slide as she tweets an attack against Sullivan: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/17/sarah-palin-blasts-newsweek_n_1209736.html

  2. Anonymous2:39 AM

    And Palins tweets with an Ad Hominien(sp)attack.


  3. Got a little tingle up my leg this evening listening to Sullivan on Chris Matthews. I could almost detect a glistening in Chris' eyes and I so understand. I've been waiting months for someone with national exposure to speak up for the President while discrediting the right-wing propaganda machine.

    The complete unhinging of Palin is fun to watch and also way past due. Bristol was 'wondering' on FB what 2012 would hold for her and her family. With her ma going on the birther warpath and the exposure of many secretive Palin LLC real estate deals, I'm guessing a few depositions and with any luck, orange jumpsuits will be in order all around.

  4. angela3:01 AM

    Very good article by Andrew Sullivan.

    One of the more frustrating things that has happened in this country is our lack of patience and our sound bite mentality. It seems President Obama won't give the impatient of us who would prefer he just pound a gavel and call the regressive GOP names--what we want. Good.

    As long as George W was strutting, bloviating and destroying the nation the right was constantly hailing him and the left was constantly vilifying his dumb ass. The country was going under while the GOP just got stupider and the left just got more pissed. (I know as I was one of the pissed). At this point the GOP is unhinged and some on the left expected the President to be some kind of dictator or wizard--and some of them have become a bit unhinged. They wanted the President from day one to do what the GOP has ultimately done to themselves.

    Interesting huh?

    The President did have to play the long game or absolutely everything would fall to pieces immediately if a conservative got into office.
    Signing statements don't always hack it.

    What is shocking to me is how many people who voted for the president actually believed he was some left wing radical (sounds like teabagging thought). The man in his private life is probably far left--but was always going to be a centrist who leaned left. Good for the country. Pissed off the extremes of both parties, though.

    Really none of the behavior we are witnessing underestimating President Obama comes as a surprise. I mean what does anyone really expect the crazies from the GOP to do? And the left (who I proudly count myself a member of) has a historic pedigree of turning on our own to the detriment of many. That's cool. Who wants to walk lock step, but after a while I get tired of the endless " must haves from the President or he is shit, lists."

    I do wish that the President had not been so reactionary with Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod and other progressives. The WH and the House played right into the hands of mouth breathers on the right like Brietbart. ACORN was destroyed because they pissed themselves like babies. So I understand why many will not forgive--hell I kinda still haven't.

    But, onward and upward!

    Vote Obama to keep the GOP from making your nine year old scrub toilets in his or her own school. Assholes.

  5. The one thing I can agree with Newt Gingrich on was when he said (referring to Mitt Romney) that someone who was willing to lie to get elected President would be apt to lie to the American people as President. Unfortunately the irony seems to have been lost on Newt that just about every Republican in the running, himself included, was more than willing to lie about the President's record to further their own political ambitions.

    I hope the administration and its supporters will make sure all Americans hear the real truth which this article makes so very clear. It's time for the RepubLIEcan party to learn to base its case for being granted power on truth and the merits of its ideas. If it does not, it will inevitably find itself on the ash heap of history, a fate it right now so richly deserves.

  6. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Sarah's tweet to Newsweek on the Sullivan story.....

    "know what's truly "dumb"? Giving a cover story to the TrigTruther conspiracy kook writer who thinks I didn't give birth to my son"

    Sarah, you are one giant fucking idiot.. and this tweet is proof.

  7. Anonymous3:17 AM

    I hope Sully takes that bitch on.

  8. Anonymous3:28 AM

    This would now be perfect time for Fred to release his book and show the world that Sarah did not, in fact, give birth to Trig.

    From the way she keeps bringing up the birth controversy, you would think she feels that the truth will never see the light of day. Strange behavior, indeed.

  9. Anonymous3:31 AM

    That tweet was straight out of the High School Mean Girls handbook.

    I firmly don't believe she gave birth to that child, so to see her going into the wind on it is very surprising for me. I'm not sure if it is a "dare" though, seems like the manifestation of some really weird personality trait though.

  10. Beldar J Conehead3:50 AM


  11. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Yeah, boy-eee!!! This is what I've been talking about!!!! My liberal friends have NO idea about politics. They have NO idea what a president can actually do. They basically seem to think that Obama is supposed to be some kind of magical Harry Potter figure who can take away all the mistakes from the past in two years AND get them the perfect, well-paid job with benefits!!!

  12. Anonymous3:54 AM

    When your strategy consists of repeatedly winding up the screech and plopping her in front of a FOX camera, it isn't too hard to rise above that. The president is a smart man who is focused on doing what's best for the country and talented enough to run the country and oversee a well-run campaign. Unless they change their ways, the GOP's got nothing.

    How's that for your, "We don't need no education!"? Never mind, you're right, you hillbillies are definitely better off. See ya.

  13. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Happy birthday FLOTUS. She is someone I AM jealous of. Anyone else?

  14. Have you ever noticed that Palin never says she DID give birth to Trig? She just always complains about the people who question it.

  15. Sally in MI4:00 AM

    Well, that makes my day! About time someone out of the bloggersphere has a chance to vindicate this man who has been demonized by everyone. And just in time for the collapse of the GOP.
    And poor Sarah is just jealous, yet again, that no one wants her smug face on their cover. And why bring up Trig? There are a lot of people who have no idea what stunt she got away with; does she really want them looking into it? Really? But then, numbskulls and narcissists have no filters...they just tweet the first thought out of their tiny brains.

  16. Anonymous4:01 AM

    The GOP is about pandering to special interest groups and not about focusing on well-thought-out policy. It may work regionally but not as well on a national level.

  17. Anonymous4:12 AM

    It has been fun watching the other side throw shit in the air and hoping something sticks. Nothing has so far and nothing will. Obama will go down as one of the greatest of all time. We already know that and if the right can be intellectually honest with themselves (hard, I know), then we can move forward. Thanks to Sullivan for helping to point out the truth.

  18. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Don't read the comments on Andrew's Article at Newsweek. The trolls are so foul, they make the ones that manage to post here seem like Rhodes Scholars.

  19. Anonymous4:20 AM

    May I wish a VERY Happy Birthday to our beautiful, classy First Lady Michelle Obama!

  20. Anonymous4:26 AM

    It is not surprising that Palin tweeted for attention that she is a victim. Nor to project Newsweek is the dumb one. She tweeted dumb in quotes.

  21. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Great article - the comments are typical teabagger fox news shit. Dumbasses.

  22. johnie2xs4:30 AM

    Excellent article. It made me feel like an unappreciative grouser, regarding our President.

  23. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Yeah well according to HuffPost, the Twit-Screecher took to her Twitter page and "Blasted" NEWSWEEK for even printing an article with Andrew Sullivan's name on the byline and all because as she claims, that Sully is a "TrigTruther."

    The Twit's Twitter Feed said:
    "@Newsweek: know what's truly "dumb"? Giving a cover story to the TrigTruther conspiracy kook writer who thinks I didn't give birth to my son"

    Now why she had to drag that into a story about President Obama is beyond me.

    Oh wait a second. Silly me, of course I know why she dragged her & her [alledged] child into the equation.
    Because to Sarah, it's ALWAYS ABOUT Sarah and NEVER about anyone else. Only Sarah.
    The idiotic mormon from the NorthWest who is the most irrelevant person to date in the world of politics.


  24. Anonymous5:00 AM

    "Challenge accepted"

    Well come on! Git 'er done!

  25. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Huffington Post are letting all sorts of comments about the fake pregnancy be published.


  26. Anonymous5:30 AM

    And with that tweet, Sarah, reminds everyone that there's a question about whether or not she gave birth to Trig. Thanks, Sarah! We've been trying to get that issue back in the news. Once again, your nasty attitude undermines your best interest.

  27. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Was it Newt who asked why should people vote for the person who lost to the man who lost to Obama?

    Mitt should be a wrestling promoter. Woooooooo to be the man you have to beat the man..

  28. As the right wing bloggers and media attack Sullivan, here's one blogger who reviews this article thoughtfully and without his agenda blurring his critique:


  29. Olivia5:58 AM

    She didn't say Trig, she said "my son".

    Nobody said you didn't give birth to Track, Sarah.

    Why don't you prove the Trig-truthers wrong? Show us Trig's birth certificate.

  30. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question for ALL of us Trig Truthers, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  31. What's the point of having a Democrat in the White House if he's going to govern like a Republican?

  32. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I am hoping that AS ignores the tweet; that will make SP furious. Either that or he smacks her down with facts. She really is showing to the world her desparate need to be a bully.

  33. Anonymous6:26 AM

    How's that "anybody but Obama" working for them? While they keep playing in the kiddie pool the bright and educated are leaving them in the dust.

  34. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Just finished reading Andrews' article. Was cheering~he is so articulate.


  35. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Andrew may be conservative, but he's gay, so, the Right already discount his value to their platform.

  36. telah6:54 AM

    Um, Sarah, Can I tell you something? You see you have an opportunity here to make Andrew Sullivan look like a complete and utter fool, possibly discrediting him enough that this article about our President will be completely ignored by the rest of America. So here's what you do: You call up one of your buddies at Fox News or People magazine or Time or Newsweek or Barbara Walters. Then you tell them you have proof of your "son's" birth from your very loins. A birth certificate, a DNA test -- heck, an interview with a delivery nurse or Cathy Baldwin Johnson or even a picture of you actually in a hospital bed holding the newborn baby. (You have one of those, right? I mean every mother who plans to keep the child they deliver has one of these pictures.) Then when your story comes out everyone points at that silly gay man and his pro-Satan, er, I mean pro Obama article and laughs and laughs.
    Just think of all the media exposure!!! You would get millions upon millions of clicks, thousands or articles written saying how Sarah Palin is the most attacked woman on the planet!! Imagine all the negative articles that would be written about that asshole Gryphen at AH or IM or whatever that stupid blog is? Come on, Sarah! Do it! Do it now!!!

    oh right. I forgot. You can't. There ARE no pictures of you holding that baby in your hospital bed. There is no nurse or doctor willing to say that they saw that baby come out of your loins. There is no birth certificate with April 18, 2008 on it with the name Trig Paxson Palin. Silly me.

  37. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Yeah, Sarah, would you have preferred the cover said, "Why are Obama's
    Critics such Numbskulls?"

  38. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Thank you Sarah for bringing Babygate back into the media.

  39. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I doubt Sarah got past the title of the article on the cover. No, wait! Someone probably just told her about it.

    There's no way she actually read it.

  40. Smirnonn7:16 AM

    GREAT article!! I love the last paragraph:

    "If I sound biased, that’s because I am. Biased toward the actual record, not the spin; biased toward a president who has conducted himself with grace and calm under incredible pressure, who has had to manage crises not seen since the Second World War and the Depression, and who as yet has not had a single significant scandal to his name. “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle,” George Orwell once wrote. What I see in front of my nose is a president whose character, record, and promise remain as grotesquely underappreciated now as they were absurdly hyped in 2008. And I feel confident that sooner rather than later, the American people will come to see his first term from the same calm, sane perspective. And decide to finish what they started."

    Hear, hear!!

  41. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Good piece:


  42. Randall7:22 AM

    And let's be clear - President Obama accomplished all this despite historic opposition by the Republicans.

    Imagine how well the country might be running if only the assholes playing politics would just stop it.

  43. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh Sarah Palin, you funny old thing. Everyone knows you chickened out of the GOP Primary cuz you can't take the scrutiny! The jig is up, sweetheart. Only the most hardcore deranged still think you're somebody. Face it, darling, you're done. You're all washed up. And this tweet is proof: Sully's article WASN'T EVEN ABOUT YOU. But you just gotta hog the spotlight, don't you, dear?

    Awww....I know, it's tough when no-one gives a shit about you. But cheer up love, there's a movie coming out about you soon! "Game Change", I think? You'll be the talk of the town again! People all over will be reminded again of how you did those interviews with Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson and how "marvelous" you did in them! Won't that be fun? To see your name in lights again? =D

  44. And this ladies and gentlemen is what happens when you Tweet while hitting the "crack pipe" at the same time...you get shit like this....

    "Newsweek: know what's truly "dumb"? Giving a cover story to the TrigTruther conspiracy kook writer who thinks I didn't give birth to my son"

    Why Baldy Palin is complaining to Newsweek...when her ignorant ass has been on the cover of Newsweek TWICE! Of course in one she was in panty hose (to hold UP the cellulite of course!) in hoochie mama shorts, while desecrating the FLAG no less and the other one she was photo shopped to such a degree that she looked like a MAN "sitting on the dock of the bay"!

    Poor Baldy...all she did with this tweet is show us how UPSET she is about SOMETHING!! Gee...I wonder what it could possibly be? Next thing you know...she's going to be sending out a Tweet complaining about folks reading Gryphen's
    "defunct" blog! LOL!!!

    Opps...I think I forgot about the cover during the campaign...you know the one...where she had the "tache" and a bunch of Repubs were complaining that it was unfair!

    Hey...how was it unfair to show Baldy's "tache"...they don't have wax strips in Alaska??

  45. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Palin is an idiot and she hates Andrew Sullivan because he speaks the truth about her and always says. Poor poor Sarah- so irrelevant it's pathetic. She is like the boy that cried wolf because she blasts everyone so who can take her seriously. Sarah is now fodder for comediennes. She's desperately trying to stay relevant but it's too late.
    And it's all her fault. She created her own demise.
    I'm sure Andrew laughed at her tweet because she is so predictable! Imagine if she actually said Andrew had many good points!!

  46. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Wouldn't it be great if Newsweek took Sarah Palin's "trigtruther" tweet and then did some valid investigative reporting? Then the whole world would know that Sarah Palin is not Trig's biological mother.

  47. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Andrew 6:05, no president is perfect. I don't agree with everything he does but I recognize his many accomplishments in a truly terrible situation!

    Hey everyone we need to write and thank Sully for always being brave and telling the truth. He expects the nutjobs to write there. And they are so fucking dumb, they prove his points!!

    And Sarah tweeting about Trig?? LMAO that is hysterical!
    Proving again to the world what a narcissist she is.
    Please G, can't you fill us in on Freds book? It was either dropped by the publisher or threatened with lawsuits from the Palins. Why else couldn't you talk about it?
    So sad. I wish you could tell us.

    The truth WILL come out Sarah. You are so mentally ill and don't know it. Sending a tweet like that? Dumb dumb dumb!!!! And HP should ignore her.

  48. Anonymous7:51 AM

    The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin LV: The Tweet

    Well, I got someone's attention:


  49. Olivia8:05 AM

    Mr. Sullivan's response:
    I have no idea, as I have said time and time again, whether Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig, and have never written such a thing. All I ever asked for a person who could become president was some basic evidence for her insane story, like medical records that most candidates have no problem providing. She never provided any, and preferred to withdraw from seeking public office rather than do so.

    Of course, no response to the substance. She doesn't do substance. Neither, it seems, does much of the rightwing blogosphere.

  50. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Over at H P the comments are over the top in DISLIKES for Sarah Palin

  51. PalinsHoax8:26 AM

    Thank you, Randall at 7:22am.
    Well said.

  52. Dinty8:29 AM

    LOL Fox news doing a story about this article blurred Andrew Sullivan's name when they showed the cover on air. How pathetic!


  53. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Attack of the Barracuda

    The amazing thing is that Mr. Sullivan doesn’t mention Sarah Palin, or the controversy over the identity of Trig’s biological mother. In fact this article is a well reasoned and revealing look at Obama’s first three years in office. In this four page article Sullivan reports on many issues facing President Obama, including jobs, the stimulus, taxes, Obamacare, foreign policy matters (including Libya, Osama bin Laden, and the Iraq war), the auto bailout, gays serving in the military, gay marriage, energy, the end of torture, appointment of two women to the Supreme Court, and banking issues. Mr. Sullivan’s conclusion is that Obama has been underestimated because he has been very insightful about decisions he has made and has taken a long-term, big picture, approach to these very difficult issues. While Obama has thoughtfully considered the best way to deal with this multitude of problems, Sarah Palin’s approach is to respond in less than 24 hours of publication to this “kook” by calling him names, and completely failing to cite a single fact that was reported in error.


  54. Anonymous9:07 AM

    LMAO!! The Stupid Angry White Woman from Wasilla just opened new inquiries about Trig's birth.

    Sending the tweet is one of the most ignorant things she has done. No one has talked about babygate in a while. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot...lol!

  55. Anonymous9:13 AM

    GinaM "And this ladies and gentlemen is what happens when you Tweet while hitting the "crack pipe" at the same time...you get shit like this...."

    LMAO!! Crack is wack.

  56. Gasman9:23 AM

    Apparently, Palin's tweet screed directed at Sullivan was a drunk tweet. She has since taken it down. However, screenshots live on.

    You'd think that the last thing that Palin would EVER want to do is perpetuate the examination of the facts surrounding her faked, mythical pregnancy. Yet, even after Newsweek and Sullivan very publicly place that rake in front of her, she just can't help but running up to it and stomping on it.

    Palin is a moron.

  57. Anonymous9:26 AM

    How I love our President! He is and has been doing one hell of a job and none of those Republicans currently (and past) running for their primary could do as well.

    He has my vote again in the upcoming election.

  58. Anonymous9:38 AM

    That tweet once again reinforces the picture that many of us have of Palin: a spoiled brat, jealous of any perceived enemy's moment in the spotlight, who truly cannot control herself, and who continually doubles and triples-down on the Trig birth deception. It's like she's double-dog-daring the MSM to expose her!
    Sullivan should unload on her with both barrels. (Metaphorically speaking, of course! His ammunition would be intelligent, well-reasoned discourse.)

  59. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Thank you, Andrew Sullivan!!! President Obama IS the very best and I'm delighted he is ours.

    Palin continues to show what an absolute idiot she is! I hear it's pretty cold right now in Alaska - go take a long walk up there, Sarah, and get lost. I'll wager no one would look for you. Alaskans don't like you either!

    She won't show a birh certificate for that poor little guy that lives in their home. Her buddy is gov of Alaska and would never release it, IF it is even a 'record' within their state department. I'll wager not one person has seen a birth certificate for the poor little one within the State of Alaska.

    Palin is a fraud from one end to the other.

    On to elections folks - get those Republicans out of office across the land. And, vote for President Obama! I can hardly wait to do so again.

    And, Happy Birthday, First Lady Michelle! You also represent America beautifully. You are a wonderful mother and wife as well as a fine example of an intelligent, well-educated woman. We could not be more proud of you!

  60. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Boasting about boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when you are high-risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and drive right past a NICU equipped hospital to have a baby in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins.

    Such a boast is "dumb". It's also stupid, ignorant, likely insane, and possibly moronic.

    Reminding the twitter universe that there are legitimate questions about Sarah Palin's illogical tale of Trig's birth? Priceless.

    It's encouraging that Sarah Palin still feels she is safe enough to keep the Trig question on everyone's mind. The safer Sarah Palin feels the more careless she will get.

  61. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Sarah fears Sullivan because Sullivan knows the truth about Trig.

    Thus she lashes out.

    She's skeard.

  62. Anonymous10:17 AM

    But why didn't she Tweet about the _other_ cover stories? Niall Ferguson and Mrs. Santorum. I'm betting she never even saw the magazine, much less read the article.

    An unidentified blog comment, supporting Niall Ferguson's article "The Fall of America."
    This is the kind of stuff that's revealing about our country:

    "Statistically speaking forever, but especially since 1960, caucasoid citizens of the USA have been caring for minorities like they were babies ... statistically, literally paying all their expenses and letting the enjoy the USA for free (virtually tax free, payroll taxes being per se individual insurance premiums); in return, statistically, minorities have disproportionately commited crimes against fellow citizens further costing caucasoid citizens. To understand it, imagine the USA with, for example only, just the African-American demographic ... a horror despite and with the EMPHATIC respect and admiration for the multitudes of excellent A+ African-Americans within the complete African-American demographic. That is the hard truth and it is not "racism" but empricism ... the tale of the statistics. Put another way, why with each passing year do more and more minorities come here if it is such a hostile climate to them? It is the opposite ... "white" America is being ever more generous to all non-whites through the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s."

  63. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Livin' the life...
    Karen Santorum and the older man who groomed her for a future with Mr. Rick.

  64. Anonymous11:18 AM

    @Newsweek: know what's truly "dumb"? Giving a cover story to the TrigTruther conspiracy kook writer who thinks I didn't give birth to my son

    as of 3:17 EST the tweet is still on

  65. Anonymous11:23 AM

    know what's truly "dumb"? Staying married to a guy named Todd Palin who paid money to a hoooker on a regular basis and then trying to cover it up with lies and influence peddling. Now THAT's DUMB!

  66. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Palin: You've all the appeal of a dead carp. Now just float down the sewer already.

  67. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Ah Screech you just couldn't help yourself could you, you had to tweet against the evil Newsweek magazine that put a picture of you in 2008 without your mustache being waxed, whats the matter, your little cosmetologist Beefalo couldn't wax your stash on the campaign? Of course you're still mad about that cupcake pic of you Newsweek posted with you in your nylons and running shorts that YOU POSED FOR! Newsweek is like Katie Couric and David Letterman for you, anything they do engrages you cuz they showed how dumb you are! You must be bored to death up there in Armpit, Alaska in winter, why aren't you in Arizona at that wasted property you bought and even bothered to install a swing set for poor old Trig, the baby you didn't give birth to. - AnnaLynne

  68. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Thanks for the opportunity. I no longer read nor listen to Andrew Sullivan.

    Sully isn't a Ron Paulbot still?

    He's a bit like Mitt. Sully flip flops around more often than I care to know about anymore. He's all righteous right bark then he'll back track on where he was previously in terms of his, no wait, this is his current statements, stances, opinions.

  69. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Interesting. Google 'Trig Palin' and most of what comes up is all this stuff questioning his parentage.
    M from MD

  70. Anonymous2:45 PM

    ...and Sarah interjects herself into THIS story....

    The woman just won't go away...

    But hey, let her make noise about the Trig story...Sullivan will mop the floor with her.

  71. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

    Newsweek is fine for Sarah when she was teasing with her "huntress on the boondocks with the come hither look only a sex deprived moron just freed from prison would go near.

    A great, truthful story about President Obama, by Andrew Sullivan who goes point by point and so eloquently shows what makes President Obama a true leader. I agree with is take on the radical left and moderate left and the basic reasons for their constant whining. Sullivan puts it all in perspective.

    But the nutjob from Wasilla, instead of refuting his assertions with facts (which she can't) has to bring up the prop kid and attack the messenger.

    Hey, Sarah, you COULD put an end to this once and for all, release your medical records, AND Trig's full form birth certificate. NOT a two page lie letter from CBJ.

    Click on the interview button when you uhmed and uhhhed your way through the wild ride story, meandering away when you learned Chucky already spilled the beans.

    Keep it up, wiggy, soon you'll have everyone digging into Trig's Nativity Story. This is the dumbest thing Sarah's ever done.

    Read the comments in Huff po's article- no one believes Sarah's hoax. She quickly took the tweet down, but the story's not going away.

    Trig Truther's everywhere are raising their glass to toast our new ally, Sarah Heath Palin!

    Welcome Aboard, Cue Ball!

  72. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Sarah Palin did NOT take the tweet down as of 11:42 PM EST on 1/17 2012

    @Newsweek: know what's truly "dumb"? Giving a cover story to the TrigTruther conspiracy kook writer who thinks I didn't give birth to my son


  73. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Not sure if this has been posted her yet, but...


  74. President Obama has always had our best interest at heart.

  75. Once again the insufferable immature old ugly manface bitch shows her true self.

    People with one brain cell know you didn't give birth to that boy.

    Plus you made up a stupid tale about his birth endangering his life and you thought you were so cute and cleaver. Too bad trig didn't have a choice. Then you, in all your wisdom named him after his mental condition. You sick skank.

    Blow away hick, because you are already dried out.

  76. This stupid bitch would rather keep on lying instead of producing a bc. she claimed she would if President Obama did. Again she lied. No surprise.

    Looks like the folks in ak paid for her doctors appointments and all the other medical time she had to received before "giving birth."

    If the flight attendances didn't know she was pregnant, then she went through the xray machine. I call this her wannabe backdoor abortion.

    she is a total mean, silly flake.

  77. The Overt Dictionary @OvertDictionary 4m

    · Open

    Sarah Palin: a woman who had managed to turn herself into the hero of the ignorant, the simple minded, the self-righteous.

    One of the first tweets of this morning!


  78. she is irrelevant and she knows it. this is her way of saying, "Hey guys look at me? I'm the lady with the truther baby."

    she plays victim and uses her klan as props. This time it's trig.

  79. But then, numbskulls and narcissists have no filters...they just tweet the first thought out of their tiny brains.

    4:00 AM
    Thank you for this, Sally in MI

    Scarry can't help herself, she's so cute, she just knew that the word "dumb" in the title of the piece was directed at her.
    There has never been a more ignorant political loud mouth as thin skinned and out of control as this embarrassing woman. She went from a VP nomination to an international joke in less than 4 yrs. and there's more to come as we know, she just keeps reloading.
    "Game Change" will give many more people the gift of the real palin behind the scenes. It's so weird that she cannot see herself, as the world sees her.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.